That would be cool if could have change position voice or change distance voice or mute for defined players and etc

Why voice chat no have lua functions?
3 replies

That would be cool if could have change position voice or change distance voice or mute for defined players and etc

The actual reason is that it simply never wasn't implemented because there wasn't a big demand for it. Probably also because voice chat is a quite new feature (related to the age of CS2D).
There are tons of other things in the game which could have a (better) Lua API but implementing all that stuff isn't really worth it because in most cases only one or very few persons are asking for it.

Only what i have it enable/turn off voice chat.
That would be cool if could have change position voice or change distance voice or mute for defined players and etc
That would be cool if could have change position voice or change distance voice or mute for defined players and etc
well maybe its now time for some external Voicechat platform like discord, TS...