hudtxtalphafade and hudtxtmove did not work with IDs >= 50
animation tweens (tween_animate) were not sent correctly to players joining after creation
SG552/Aug invoked Lua reload hook with mode 0 instead of 1 when reloading while using scope
Rendering issues with old maps containing the deprecated Info_OldRender entity
Lag compensation did not work at all on dedicated servers
Network shot handling for shot packets which arrived too quickly wasn't working correctly
Lua command addbind is no longer case sensitive (e.g. it now works with "a" and "A")
Discord link added to main menu
Server log now also shows Steam login info when a new player connects
"-" prefix for mp_buymenu to disable the visual buy menu silently
Lua command removebind (removes a single Lua key)
Lua command removeallbinds (removes all Lua key binds)
Additional projectileid paramter for Lua hook "projectile"
Lua hook "projectile_impact" (when projectiles hit walls/ground)
Lua key binds which were added AFTER players connected did not work for these clients
It was possible to add the same Lua key binds multiple times, causing follow up issues
Physics checkbox removed from server settings (not enough space, too broken)

edited 1×, last 06.11.19 10:02:36 pm