The main idea is that you are manager of a football team. You start out by naming your team and buying your first three players with your starting budget. You will have daily revenues (sponsors, merchandise) and daily costs (salary, maintenance). You will have variable revenues (ticket sales, win rewards) for every time you play matches.
When you've bought your players you can start a match which will be simulated by bots. You can play as one of your players while your teammates will be bots. Playing matches will get you income, winning will get you more income, and as you play you will be able to play more expensive players that will play better (more skilled bots). You can sell your old players for profit as they get more experienced and score more goals.
The mod will be operated by saycommands, a graphical interface could be made later.
Buying players can be done by going to their page, for example: To buy this player you will say !buy cristiano-ronaldo/profil/spieler/8198
By stealing info from transfermarkt it is possible to buy almost any player you want. Even FC Lugano's second goalie Dean Stantangelo, from Switzerland's second division (
I will first concentrate on making it work for single player, 1 manager vs computers. But later I want to make it possible for multiple managers to keep their teams on the same server and play matches against each other. I don't know how to implement this yet but I'm gonna brainstorm about it some more when I get to that stage.
I've made a video of me playing a match with the football bot AI. You can watch it here
There is also a video of how far I am with the script right now. It will help to explain what kind of mod I'm trying to make. It shows and example where I bought only Ajax B players with the small amount of starting budget I got.
The project thread at is where I am most likely to reply the fastest. If you want to be up to date please subscribe to it:
How to help
If there are people on this site that would like to help me out I would appreciate it a lot. It would be nice to have:

Thank you for reading!