id say it's mostly done, personally, but i still need to make custom npcs. after thats done, i need to rework the entire map that i have so far (it's currently using the default npcs which the gunner guy lags like a

im pretty bad at "all the things" unrelated to coding, including mapping which i -facepalm- have done a lot of in order to make tristram as it is currently (i finished 5 floors out of 16).
id like people to -MAKE SOME GFX- of the mobs (and maybe other stuff) in diablo 1 because i would fail miserably if i attempted it myself.
id also like -COOL SPELL IDEAS-. theres a lot of spells in diablo 1 and i dont feel like adding all of them :L although guardian is added and working fixed 100% no fake confirmed NA
id also like to have someone else do the mapping because im bad at mapping. like REALLY BAD. see server for more information.
and of course, other suggestions
for anyone interested in seeing how the script is right now, the IP is:
just kidding, servers not up
biggest problem with development right now is that im lazy. i think the last time i worked on this server was many months ago. lol
also the main script is like 1500 lines :L
edited 6×, last 12.09.14 04:06:44 am