
Carnage Contest Ideas
32 replies
Well, personally I think CC can wait a little longer with it's next update,

Sure, the last update for CC was 2 years ago, but it's almost done anyway, not much is to do, and not that many people are actively playing it anymore, so I guess it doesn't hurt anybody if it would wait another year.

and not that many people are actively playing it anymore
CC is a great game and everyone know that, but the unexplained lack of online players is the main factor that doesn't let the development progress.
we can encourage people to play it by organizing tournaments like what some members have done in the past, but that haven't continued unfortunately...
DC is busy in other stuff, so if there's was a group of people who manage CC by replying in the forums, opening servers, making eventual events...etc that would be a positive point and then we can talk about ideas

also adding gamemodes would be a good
and some features like levels mode and a shop for buying weapons and equipment.
do you know a game on facebook called wild ones ?? it does no longer exist but if you played it before you must have some ideas
This way we know how the progress of the game is going in the waiting screen and encourages people to wait longer.
(daaaayymn 5 minute wait time to post here..)
Also: Bigger resolutions. There is no way you can cheat using this seeing as everyone can move their screen around. Totally fair and it should really be added.
Err... you can play the game the game in any resolution you want. You can even switch the resolution at run time while being in an online match ([ESC]

edited 1×, last 01.11.15 10:35:09 pm

So that's basically why there is the stupid waiting screen instead. I don't want to cause lags in the game just because spectators want to watch.
It's also the technical reason why no body can join a running game (but this also wouldn't make too much sense gameplay-wise)

In the menu for choosing missions, score-mode missions won't have the progress bar if they have multiple maps. That's a little weird, it should still be seen along with the highscore. The green light is also too shiny and makes the highscore barely visible.
Also, how about submitting highscores that are linked to your USGN ID, so we get a list of highscores for missions.
Saving values for missions should be possible, the same way we can save scores. Maybe we could make missions where the player can choose his own loadout and change it freely any time. Or maybe a story mission with checkpoints.
For example, if I have a variable called "civiliankills" with its value currently equal to 17, and I use the command "savevalue(civiliankills)", then "civiliankills" will always be 17 whenever I load the mission.
edited 1×, last 02.11.15 02:38:34 am

Changing the whole player skin could lead to abuse, for example with transparency. But customizing the head would be great! It's only like max 16 by 16 pixels so only a few (temporary) kb you have to download.