Crash when using Lua scripts with error (on some systems)
Crash in some cases when people with IP ban try to join
Buildings/portals not working without language files
Breakables/DynWalls were not affected by light/shadow engine
Crash/bugs when translating language string 0433
Command cmsg not working when using spaces
Lua image tags not working
"Heavy" for weapon weight missing in translation file
Some misspellings in translation files
"Arctic Avengers" listed twice as terrorist faction
Changing supply items with E didn't work from some positions
Some U.S.G.N. connectivity issues
AI bug with friendly fire and teamkills (thanks to Klin)
Sounds were still played (very quietly) with volume setting 0
Lua command entitylist didn't return all entities
U.S.G.N. login timed out when using the editor for a few minutes
Chat spam protection doesn't kick if chat output is suppressed with say/sayteam hook
Disabled Lua menu buttons can not be used with the numeric keys anymore
Several bugs when triggering env_building entities (invisible buildings etc.)
Improved internal friendlist handling, allowing higher friends count
"debuglag" debugging info is not displayed for players with stealth armor
ATTENTION: Lua command entitylist now works a bit differently!
Infinite roundtime in standard game mode is now possible (mp_roundtime 100)
Command setname now has a "hide" parameter (do not display change in chat)
Lua command reqcld has new parameters (request if lightengine is on or file is loaded)
Lua hook name now has a "forced" parameter (see if a nick change was forced with setname)
Lua hook startround_prespawn (on new round before spawning)
"gasmask" parameter for Lua player command (see if player has gasmask)
"sys/lua/autorun" folder. All Lua scripts in it will be executed automatically
Undo function for tile operations in editor (CTRL+Z, unlimited undo steps)
Entity Trigger_If (conditional trigger with Lua expression as condition)
Some translations by community members (see Readme.txt for credits)