DC Admin
The dedicated server for Counter-Strike 2D has been updated. It's a security patch for admin Lua scripts.
It was possible to fake U.S.G.N. login IDs (spoofing) for a short period of time (until the masterserver finished the login check).
This is a security risk - especially if the server runs Lua scripts which check the U.S.G.N. ID right after the join in order to grant special admin rights.
The patched version of the dedicated server now checks the U.S.G.N. login ID before the player joins. This can delay the join process a bit but makes faking impossible.
You can disable this "pre join check" with a new setting:
Servers with the option "U.S.G.N. only" (
sv_usgnonly 1) do not have that problem because the check is always performed before the join in this case.
Linux Dedicated Download
Windows Dedicated Download edited 1×, last 19.07.11 10:54:53 am
Good job
really good job
i liked it
thank you DC Thanks, I'm waiting for this. I don't think half of the people get what you just did, lol. Was this a very common occurrence? I never would of guessed that this would happen, to be honest. Anyway, rather late than never to fix something like this. DC Admin
I can't estimate how often people exploited this. it has been reported to me though so it happened at least on one server.
DC has written
I can't estimate how often people exploited this. it has been reported to me though so it happened at least on one server.
Thanks Sir, it's help many people. Has happened. I saw it once. Random guy joined on a RP server. Owner got banned. The guy left. DC Admin
Surplus has written
Has happened. I saw it once. Random guy joined on a RP server. Owner got banned. The guy left.
doesn't necessarily mean that he used this exploit but it's possible (if there were admin Lua scripts running), yeah. So what do i do after i once downloaded it?
just replace the old dedicated server and its done. DC Admin
(and you only need to do that if you are hosting a CS2D dedicated server of course... regular players don't need to do anything) I dont know if this because of the new dedicated server but, when some players connects a message like this appears:"Player 321 has been banned for faking account!"
Anyway good work
The Spy has written
I dont know if this because of the new dedicated server but, when some players connects a message like this appears:"Player 321 has been banned for faking account!"
Script. banip reason whatever. hey who say swat vs soldier
S.W.A.T clan is my clan
why my clan there !fuck jinx pro fuck you
by:S.W.A.T comander S.F and S.W.A.T mayor S.F Admin/mod comment
I don't get it but it sounds like flame. read the rules.