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Approved by Infinite Rain
14 kb, 2,484 Downloads
LUA ERROR (ai_hear_radio): bots/Standard AI.lua:767: table index is nil Freezing bots to stop Lua error msg flood! Use 'bot_freeze 0' to unfreeze bots!
LUA ERROR (ai_hear_radio): bots/Standard AI.lua:634: table index is nil Freezing bots to stop Lua error msg flood! Use 'bot_freeze 0' to unfreeze bots!
-- Enemy spotted / Taking fire, need assistance elseif radio==9 or radio==11 then local mate=fai_randommate(source) if mate~=0 then if math.random(1,2)==1 then vai_radioanswer[mate]=0 else vai_radioanswer[mate]=28 end vai_radioanswert[mate]=math.random(35,100) vai_mode[mate]=2 vai_destx[mate]=player(source,"tilex") vai_desty[mate]=player(source,"tiley") end
--enemy spotted elseif radio==8 then local mate=fai_randommate(source) if mate~=0 then if math.random(1,2)==1 then vai_radioanswer[mate]=0 else vai_radioanswer[mate]=28 end vai_radioanswert[mate]=math.random(35,100) vai_destx[id]=player(source,"tilex") vai_desty[id]=player(source,"tiley") vai_mode[id]=2 end
--enemy spotted elseif radio==8 then local mate=fai_randommate(source) if mate~=0 then if math.random(1,2)==1 then vai_radioanswer[mate]=0 else vai_radioanswer[mate]=28 end vai_radioanswert[mate]=math.random(35,100) vai_destx[mate]=player(source,"tilex") vai_desty[mate]=player(source,"tiley") vai_mode[mate]=2 end