Fast buildsonnenschein User Offline 05.11.09 10:48:52 pm Just some obscure, simple, and ancient code that has been rewritten, nothing to see here! Move along. edited 1×, last 24.07.13 05:30:28 pm Approved by Infinite Rain (11.12.15 07:36 am) Download 804 b, 4,641 Downloads
server.lua this opitional?nicolas132 User Offline 21.09.13 11:12:17 pm what? edited 1×, last 23.12.13 08:01:58 pm
Spook MQ Hacker BANNED Offline 19.06.11 04:25:50 am It didn't work for me and it's work for my cs2d old file i delete the old file i make a new and it didn't work agin! so its good to i rate 3/5
SuLeeh COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 28.11.10 11:38:51 am thanks for lua fast! is good but the walls doesn't work fast! I like it!
Blizz User Offline 26.09.10 07:15:09 pm what musst i add? And how can i make the lua on??? I like it!
sonnenschein User Offline 10.04.10 09:54:49 pm @Blazzingxx I was thinking to add something new, but since i haven't scripted anything for months now, I lost interest. Maybe I will drop by to ask you if I need help when i decide to update it @Crab Thanks!
SQ Moderator Offline 10.04.10 08:47:40 pm Nice script, but it's not perfect yet. I could help you to optimize it. You should use table to initialize money