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English HC Admin Script 1.9.5 >

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old HC Admin Script 1.9.5

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Hi guys, I checked the original post (by Happycamper) and realized that the author did not add copyright bans to the archive, so I decided to take this verion HC Admin Script 1.9.4 by Goo and add a little of my vintage.

Hou to add your usgn in admin script?

C:\Users\SnK\Desktop\hc admin script emojis vercion\sys\lua\hc\data\config\users.hcu

edit this file users.hcu

like this

they must leave the second line as shown in the image without anything written but the line that flashes called the insertion point, also called the cursor, must be on line two as shown in the image.

Although this update does not represent a useful breakthrough for the code, the players were very much attracted to them and joined the server as if they were flies just to use the chat, although it seems ridiculous, it is true, and I decided to upload it.
New Features:

Emojis in chat
images in server messages that are modifiable
rerute in menu

Changue or add emoticons in chat :
Cs2d dir/sys/lua/server.lua

Remove and add your favorite servers to your menú:
Cs2d dir\sys\lua\hc\modules\reroute.lua

Original post:
second update by goo vercion:

pd. If the author does not accept the prohibitions and made this code just for the love of art, it is not a bad idea to update it, do it from time to time.

pd.2 Although it seems easy to add this system to the chat, it was not at all.

pd.3 I do not share only the modified files, because I do not remember what they are, I edited them for a long time ago, and I do not want this work to be lost.
edited 4×, last 19.07.23 08:27:59 am
Approved by Sparty

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@user mistercarlos: hc admin script emojis vercion\sys\lua\hc\data\config\users.hcu

EDIT THIS FILE :users.hcu



then log into the game with your usgn account and you done :).

If you need to give administration powers to another person you can do it if this person is playing with his usgn through the administration menu which is f2 or f3 I don't remember

After that you can look again at the text you edit and you will see that the usgn data of the person you added through the administration menu has been added.(optional)
edited 1×, last 19.07.23 08:17:05 am


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but how to change it, i'm here but don't know what to do


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@user Pokemaniakadd: Hello

you must enter the folder:
you open the file with a text editor like note++,
I don't remember if there is an easier way to do it, but the variable is


The Dark Shadow
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All you added are emojis, S-VIP? For what purpose they're useful? It's just wasting storage and performance, Also, S-VIP rank for AWP cups? It's an admin script, not AWP game script. About the reroute menu, As what I can see so far It's just advertising for your servers. I don't even know why you wasted your time on it and wasting our time on checking it.

old eoso quick

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esoo soy foxo buenardo no lo pobre pero nu c como es


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At least you tried xd

Cons: there are like no say commands for moderating
I like it!


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@user Mami Tomoe: I didn't ask for permission because I didn't have a reason to do it, Normal people need a reason to do things.
edit: I rewrote 50% of the chat.lua by myself and added new features to the chat. If you can optimize it do a favor to the users of this code and optimize it, but I tested it and run in 60 ticks, which means it doesn't need optimization.
edited 2×, last 18.05.20 08:03:20 pm


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How I be admin? Where do I put my usgn
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
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@user Gaios: I did it in a way better sense, I don't expect him to write down anything special but at least attempt to ask for permission.

This isn't IRL, we're not going to arrest him for not doing as such, but normal human beings should at least be somewhat considerate.

I don't care enough to continue this discussion, so you do you.


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@user Mami Tomoe: Meanwhile you take and edit user Happy Camper' script, you automatically follow his license. user cs2d_is_a_Gem didn't break any rules. Anyway open source projects are generally Free software. You can't share a source code and not allowing others to edit it.

user Happy Camper has written
This script has been used on the HC servers. It is actually a script framework which can be extended by modules. Since I have closed the servers I am releasing the script free for everyone to use.



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I like it
I like it!


Mami Tomoe
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Thanks for asking (or attempting to ask) for permission from me and/or HC, your modules are badly designed and lack proper optimization.

The code is horrifying to look at and I doubt the average Joe will know how to use them properly.
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