
> > Stranded II > Maps (for the original SII) > Mysterious Island
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English Mysterious Island >

3 comments112 kb, 593 Downloads

old Mysterious Island

Stranded Andrew
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Welcome to my 2nd map.
This is survival map with Secrets and strange places.
You can tell me what can i improve or what im doing wrong.
edited 2×, last 02.01.18 08:31:42 pm
Approved by DC

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112 kb, 593 Downloads


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Super User Off Offline

yeah i know but just because it's a swamp doesn't mean you need 2 billion liana trees. Also, maybe make some liana palms and notice that there are 2 verieties of liana trees or whatever so can have more veriety, which seems needed.

Edit: Actually decent map, and the swamp looks fine to me. I don't know what I had against it. I guess out of everyone, the person I have the most disagreements with is my past self, though I may disagree with that in the future.
I like it!
edited 4×, last 17.06.22 03:38:53 am


Super User Off Offline

map markers are not supposed to appear in-game and probably never will. I think this map is good for a beginner, but try to make a more level, smooth map without the jagged edges (use the smooth tool) and use more veriety in the map. Use the "fill map randomly" tool to create a more varied, random objects and it isn't good to have to many liana trees
I like it!
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