Today i present to you this very intelligent AI script consisting of 784 lines of code. the script is still in alpha version and might be a bit buggy, so if you do encounter any issues please be helpful and report them here. Also i encountered a problem with my cs2d where it would run out of memory and crash within several minutes/seconds when running the script, disabling the advanced lighting engine seemed to fix the problem. For now, the script only supports bomb/defuse for now i will update it in the future to include more features and bug fixes if i get enough likes. :3 also
>>>watch demo<<<
Advanced Settings are in top part of script.
v 1.2:

v 1.1:

v 1.0:

edited 8×, last 06.09.14 04:15:30 am
Approved by Infinite Rain
8 kb, 1,532 Downloads