The Stranger has written
@Lizard Ant: sounds good, send me some specs and everything you want in the map and I'll see what I can do.
@Builder 2.0: so will you help me make a stranded with high graphics, awesome physics and proper lighting?
AWESOME!!! Im excited to see how this turns out!
Heres a list of things i would love to see in the map!
-The main thing that the whole map relies on, is being a MASSIVE map!
-Maybe like a main river running down the map, being a good place to fish, and a way fast way to travel on a raft or lots of little rivers
-Big grassy plains
-Areas of thick dense bush, or vast crops
-Dense forests
-maybe like a freshwater lake where many animals live
-Maybe an abandoned hut with some supplies, eg bandages,food and maybe a map
-shipwreck with supplies
-Caves... not sure if its possible though
I might think of more... But would be awesome if this could all be included where can i find a list of material combinations to make weapons in massive mod? Madmann has written
where can i find a list of material combinations to make weapons in massive mod?
No list has been compiled.. its changing with each release after all, but you can see all combos in the mod viewer program that is also on this site. Option B is to have a glance at the combinations files. Ironlion45 has written
Madmann has written
where can i find a list of material combinations to make weapons in massive mod?
No list has been compiled.. its changing with each release after all, but you can see all combos in the mod viewer program that is also on this site. Option B is to have a glance at the combinations files.
Stranded II Mod Viewer is what you're looking for (click the cloud image in my signature to jump to the thread. The download is at the top). Version has been tested with MM and works flawlessly, however, there is one known bug with badly scripted buildings, but that's not an issue if you load the stock MM with SIIMV
Not only does it give you all the combinations laid out as a list, it also gives you the building tree, list of objects, items, buildings and units and error checks the mod all in a nice pointy-and-clicky interface.
Give it a go and if you like it, leave me a massage or post in the SIIMV thread. It's be nice to get some positive feedback in there. ;p The Stranger has written
TheJerk has written
and when he says a lot, he means the capacity to click "Generate random", click a few buttons to alter terrain/elevation, and click a few buttons to drop items, with scripting only required in a very minor degree to cause scripted events.
By the looks of it you know nothing about it, I'm not trying to make a stupid "click to generate" map, the stuff I am doing is making a full fledged campaign maybe you should look on mod DB for it when I'm finished so you can see what a real modder looks like, I havent seen you working on anything
you make me lol. Making a map in stranded is not modding, kiddo. It's minor scripting, at the very best. What builder is doing is modding, but even that isn't TCM, it's just modding the game in parameters it was original intended for. When you release something like Natural Selection (A mod I helped during the beta phases with Charlie Cleveland, under another name), or when you pull off something like Munderbunny, then you can toot your horn. Obviously, I'm not the one who "knows nothing about it", if you think you're going to build any major, script-heavy maps in stranded. You seem to have no concept of processor load, or how unoptimized stranded 2 can be with running scripts. But knock yourself out kid, or talk to our buddy Builder here about some of the issues he's had, even in massive mod. It's not as simple as you seem to think it is (another sign of you being very new to this type of thing, btw).
As far as what I said, it was completely relevant. All it takes to build a map in Stranded 2, is clicking a few randomization options, transforming the terrain with limited transformation tools, and extremely minor scripting for triggered events, which, by your reaction, I doubt you even know how to do, since you seem to think that involving a triggered event/building a custom map, means you've created a Mod (LMFAO).
P.s. what you're proposing to do as your "mod", is just MAPPING, I was doing that crap back in AoE, broski, with THEIR map tools and limited scripting tools. Get the terminology right, Builder is a Modder, Munderbunny is a TCModder, and you're trying to do the job of a MAPPER. @TheJerk & Stranger:
Hey guys, no need to start jacking a thread with flame. Both of you have valid arguments in that building a full campaign will require more than just a little scripting, so it's more than just mapping, but yes, this makes you a mapper/scripter. A good one, albeit, but not a modder. No need to get spun out about it though. Any contribution to the community is greatly welcome and I'm sure if you offer the campaign to builder, he might put it along side the original adventure, but this requires a bit of prose. The plot of the adventure must be strong enough to hold the attention of seasoned veterans of S2 while keeping it simple enough for new players to get started in. (A tutorial in the first map would be extremely helpful as I don't think there is any kind of information available for MM on how to play it other than what is mentioned here on the boards).
This is just me saying "ignore the terminology and look at what each other is actually trying to do". Then, if you have some information that may be of some assistance, offer it freely, but don't just degrade a man because his terminology is not exact. Some of the best programmers I know still mix up the "class", "struct", and "object" terms, but they still bang out the best apps for free.
If I can help either of you in your projects, please let me know. I'm more interested in progression that aggrivation... I was wondering is there any way to turn a forged soft tool head into soft iron again? Just wondering if it is possible.
One thing I noticed about the animals is they keep spawning but is there a type of population control other than killing them your self? I end up with far too much meat and skins. Perhaps making it a random chance to not spawn some days. Lions are my biggest problem because I have to kill them or they end up killing me so I can't just let them be while I mine or plant and water grain.
By the way Builder2-0 great mod. Been playing it on and off a couple years now and I think it is coming together really nicely. can someone explain how to cook with this mod?
i've tryed throwing it at the grill it hoped off so i went to pick it up and said it burned and i'd have to try it again
so i decided to jump on top of the grill and drop it there and it fell off lol
also how do i know when it is done cooking
also on a side note how long do i got to let the iron sit on the forge with it burning? 2Frogg:
Maybe you should try destroying the lionstones? They are tomblike stones (flat and low) with bones and meat on them. If you destroy one, the lions will stop spawning. Or else, you can just make a fence around it. Just give a lion enoough place to spawn...
You have to experiment a bit with the side you throw from and the angle. Then your food will land nicely) Standing ON the grill wouldn't lead you anywhere.
When your food is done cooking, it'll change it's colour. The easiest to spot is fish, the hardest - shark meat at night
SideNote: on Normal difficulty about 45secs-1min. Anyway, wait till it turns red. i got the cooking working=)
now as for the smithing i still got trouble when i throw nails onto it for the heating the nails will go "inside" the forge and dissappear so i decided to mine a ton of iron and make more nails
i have yet to finish the massive iron heat but theres one more problem theres no more fresh water on the "tutorial island" so i have to wait forever and a half for it to rain again or figure out how to find more fresh water
one last question
does fishing require bait now? The Magic "u" Button will do the work! It picks up all finished items nearby... well, at least food and smithing trade goods.
To get fresh water you combine leaves (or lianas) with a stone and (provided you have a container) voila! you get a bottle of water. If you combine it with a bucket, you'll get a filled bucket.
As I get it it does not BUT without bait you'll get some non-edibles... or sea-weed. But sometimes the crappiest of all, you'll get LOGS... and break your pole. This mod is getting better and better so keep up good work. However there are few strange and annoying things. Like ThaSoulz mentioned breaking tools are really frustrating. Sometimes they can last long time and sometimes they just breaking within first hits. Second thing is mine. When i`m entering or exiting it some of items are magically disappearing. Oh, I`ve noticed weird thing. Sometimes monkeys are running into water and they never come back.
I`ve found one of them standing on the bottom of the ocean alive. Now few words about diary. Sometimes using one of items in inventory causes adding blank diary entry and sometimes miscellaneous entry's are adding without a reason. You cold add an diary entry about forging steel because i still don`t know how to do it. Oh, and You could make some new uses for gold. Despite those little defects this mod is greatly increasing game play and making game even more fun. I`m waiting for new versions
Oh, I`ve forgot. Sometimes when I`m walking at midnight, when the changes on the island are taking place the game lags and after few seconds it throws me highly in the air! hey all, noob here.
first off... awesome mod. if ya ever need any ideas, hit me up.... but it seems the people here are giving ya enough to do
the only issue im having is with the lava forge. i've tested it above ground and below(separate games)... both seem to work fine. but if i use the mine to go from the island to underground, then the lava forge just doesnt seem to work right. you can turn it on (looks awesome btw) and you can throw your iron on there, but it will never heat up. unless you sleep(read about that somewhere in this forum). bottom line... the lava forge and the mine are not playing nice together :-p lol
if some of your stuff comes up missing when you exit the mine, you might find it in the middle of the map(on island). found this out when i tripped over a pickaxe that vanished :-p
one of my storage areas was on fire and i could not seem to put it out... i tried buckets of water and bottles of water.... im guessing a user error on my behalf... any idea?
steel barrel will not "throw". i thought i read something about this being fixed, maybe i dont have the most current version? any way to find out?
... this one is just an idea... lava doing damage. not sure if it would be easy or not. like i said, just an idea
if i run across anything else i will let ya know, but so far its been a great mod. cant wait to see what comes next.
Everybody is talking about mines.
I didnt find any mine but i played about 5 maps.
This mod is awesome best mod ever!
edited 1×, last 30.10.10 06:34:38 pm
for your 5 one The mine what is underground is just an alpha what is not done. It will be fixed soon, or i hope so.
Also your "lava" is actualy water with a red color. If you open the map editor you can see the time is edited somewher before night in evening when is everything red.
To make lava work properly they should add new element with new textures so that means edit the whole stranded 2 cause when you beggin with new map than first thing you see is water so i dont know how possible it is to chose betwen lava and water. It would be easyer with minecraft map generator but this is not minecraft this is stranded 2. New version available!
Actually, it's first MM version made by me, so let's call it "Massive Mod Fixes 1.2.1"
Extract it to game root forder, where StrandedII.exe is.
+ sprinting speed now depends on how tired you are
+ new impact detect mechanics
! fixed unlimited bottle fill up near the water rock
! berry bushes now need water too
! if the weather is rainy, new plants don't need water
! removed gasp after running if you aren't tired yet
! fixed diappearing of rock green highlight after 5 seconds
! hammers, nets and knifes can also be broken
- plant needs water right after you plant it
- hunting skill doesn't insrease if you kill insects
- don't hit rocks with hands. It hurts
More to go! Admin/mod comment
You didn't have the permission to do this! Ask first! /TheKilledDeath @Volshebnyi
did you have any permission to release this version? and is it official? Admin/mod comment
Don't quote posts that long. Particularly when the post is above yours!/TheKilledDeath UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
Volshebnyi has written
did you have any permission to release this version? and is it official?
It is not official nor did he ask for permission to release it. Admin/mod comment
Read the Comment of the user above. Don't want to write it again. /TheKilledDeath