MM Download has written
DOWNLOAD (UNSUPPORTED):!wMxTQB5b!nAh41XnYKu7yFgNz-CDSO4qgd-5wUfM6UxrWxh43y-0
DO NOT EXTRACT THIS OVER AN EXISTING S2 INSTALLATION. Put it in its own folder. Savegames are NOT compatible with the newest version.
NOTE: Clean install. This should work on Win7, as I'm using a different S2 exe. This is a self-contained version of MM. Simply extract the zip file, then run Massive_Mod.exe or one of the bat files. DO NOT EXTRACT IT OVER A STRANDED 2 INSTALLATION.
Changelog has written
-Fixed fishing rod (there were a few other things broken with it besides the IF statement)
-Added combinations for poison arrows with steel\iron arrows
-Grain + water = undistilled grain water
-Distill undistilled grain water in the distiller to get distilled grain water
-Sugar + water = sugarcane juice
-Find sugar in bamboo!
-Added combinations for fishing hooks from bone\branches\bark
-Alcohol! (unlocked at cooking skill 50) (
-Fill normal barrels with juices to ferment them into alcohol
-Make wine out of grape juice!
-Make rum out of sugarcane juice!
-Make wheat beer out of distilled grain water!
-Or, fill barrels with black powder! Yay, explosions.
-Soup pot, to make soup out of your misc food items!
-Soup pot unlocked at cooking 125
-Make unbalanced bowls of soup! (
-Bread becomes unlocked at cooking skill 25
-Cooking descriptions updated
-Take down distillers\grills after you've built them. (
-Glass making improved (no longer requires hammer)
-You can use a Shark's Liver to get the oil out of it
-Added "The Watchmaker"; a physical object for handling timers within maps
-Removed dozens of items to simplify forging
-Forge updated (
-Grill updated! (
-Lava forge fixed! (
-Animal spawning on:changeday removed.
-"Chef" bonus at cooking skill level 200! (All cooked foods restore slightly more health\hunger\thirst)
-Numerous other script optimizations
-Nearly all item descriptions edited to hint at the combinations possible. This should greatly help new players. If anything is still confusing when you're playing, send me a message about it or post in the forum.
-MM uses the new German source code, with some custom edits. This means it has built-in achievement support.
-New script keys, for alternate keys bound to Attack1 and Attack2.
-New script commands! get_use_xyz (detects where the player is looking), examine (for on:examine events), primary_attack1, primary_attack2, etc...
-Old MM achievements use the new achievement system.
-Added combinations for poison arrows with steel\iron arrows
-Grain + water = undistilled grain water
-Distill undistilled grain water in the distiller to get distilled grain water
-Sugar + water = sugarcane juice
-Find sugar in bamboo!
-Added combinations for fishing hooks from bone\branches\bark
-Alcohol! (unlocked at cooking skill 50) (

-Fill normal barrels with juices to ferment them into alcohol
-Make wine out of grape juice!
-Make rum out of sugarcane juice!
-Make wheat beer out of distilled grain water!
-Or, fill barrels with black powder! Yay, explosions.
-Soup pot, to make soup out of your misc food items!
-Soup pot unlocked at cooking 125
-Make unbalanced bowls of soup! (

-Bread becomes unlocked at cooking skill 25
-Cooking descriptions updated
-Take down distillers\grills after you've built them. (

-Glass making improved (no longer requires hammer)
-You can use a Shark's Liver to get the oil out of it
-Added "The Watchmaker"; a physical object for handling timers within maps
-Removed dozens of items to simplify forging
-Forge updated (

-Grill updated! (

-Lava forge fixed! (

-Animal spawning on:changeday removed.
-"Chef" bonus at cooking skill level 200! (All cooked foods restore slightly more health\hunger\thirst)
-Numerous other script optimizations
-Nearly all item descriptions edited to hint at the combinations possible. This should greatly help new players. If anything is still confusing when you're playing, send me a message about it or post in the forum.
-MM uses the new German source code, with some custom edits. This means it has built-in achievement support.
-New script keys, for alternate keys bound to Attack1 and Attack2.
-New script commands! get_use_xyz (detects where the player is looking), examine (for on:examine events), primary_attack1, primary_attack2, etc...
-Old MM achievements use the new achievement system.
DO NOT EXTRACT THIS OVER AN EXISTING S2 INSTALLATION. Put it in its own folder. Savegames are NOT compatible with the newest version.
NOTE: Clean install. This should work on Win7, as I'm using a different S2 exe. This is a self-contained version of MM. Simply extract the zip file, then run Massive_Mod.exe or one of the bat files. DO NOT EXTRACT IT OVER A STRANDED 2 INSTALLATION.
See how it extracts a "mods" folder? Copy it over your "mods" folder so it overwrites the correct files. I hate saying this so many times in such a short time, but you might want to start a new game. One of the bugs (the one that started multiple fall detection timers) isn't easy to fix once it's occurred.
Patch Changes:
Fixed Bugs:
-Meat causing a script error.
-Axe head combination causing a script error.
-Axe & shovel not being a locked combination.
-Moss only spawning one type of mushroom.
-'Hard' random islands spawning trees underwater.
-New 'detectfall' function started on load, causing major FPS loss.
-Other misc errors.
Fixed Exploits:
-Lighting fire without fuel, cooking food before 'fuel' check occurs.
-Filling water containers at water rocks (it doesn't reduce the amount of water in the rock).
New Features:
-When a tool breaks, you randomly get either the forged head (ie; axe head) or the handle (ie; short wooden handle) back.
-Spears cause 'bleeding' status on target. The better the spear (ie; iron vs stone), the more bleeding per second.
-'Pick Up' key, allows you to pick up finished\refined items if they are stuck within the forge or grill.
-New icons make fuels more distinctive. Yellow means it is a fire fuel, orange means it is a fire & forge fuel, red means it is a fuel only for the forge.
-New item 'Pottery Bucket' is used to douse all items at the forge with water, so no more wasting bottles on it.
-Mine map replaced with a better one. This feature will not work if you've already used the mine in your current game.
New features:
-Coral reefs
-Fall damage
-Much more!
Major changes:
Lots of things require nails. You make nails in batches (16 nails), just combine 'soft iron' with a hammer.
Most tools require a short or long wooden pole. Make a short\long wooden pole by combining a knife with a log.
Arrows require wooden shafts, combine a knife with a branch. ie; To make wooden arrows: Wood Shaft + Feathers.
Iron tools (axes\shovels\spades to start with) require 25 in forging, at skill level 50 more tools are unlocked. To make iron tools, combine the head (ie; Axe Head) with a short\long wooden pole and nail(s).
Everything made with 'soft iron' usually must be hardened before it's useful. To harden an item, heat it to red hot in the forge, then douse it with water (throw a water container at it). This includes nails.
Spears (*deep breath*) require a long wooden pole + stone. This is very weak compared to the spear you are used to. For a stronger spear, combine the long wooden pole + iron spearhead (always buildable) + nail. Yes, spears have been majorly nerfed. They are still stronger than arrows though.
A quick walkthrough to get you started on building your first batch of iron spears:
1. After building campfire, find an empty water rock. Build a forge shelter on it.
2. Finish construction, hit water rock with hammer, tada, a forge.
3. Find x2 iron ore. Throw some charcoal in the forge. Light it with the flint. Throw the iron ore on top of the coals or the anvil.
4. Wait for the iron ore to turn red then remove any charcoal in the forge. Let the fire burn out, wait for the iron ore to turn silver and sparkly.
5. Pick up 1st iron ore, combine with hammer and select "Batch of Iron Spearheads (x3)"
6. Pick up 2nd iron ore, combine with hammer and select "Batch of Iron Nails (x16)"
7. Put charcoal back in forge, relight, throw the batch of iron spearheads and batch of iron nails onto the coals\anvil.
8. Wait for them to get red hot. Throw water container at them. Pick up spearheads and iron nails.
9. Find log. Combine with knife. Make long wooden handle.
10. Combine long wooden handle + iron spearhead + nail.
I would recommend starting a new game for this version. Lots of changes. Should be really different game play.
Credits to...
Ominus (for the tool models and his cave set)
Mc Leaf (cave models)
aletes for his treehouses.
HudaJan for various models
Jimi Hendrix for his whale model
Maenardil for coral reef models from VC & I used his falldamage script as a base to make my own
& thanks to many others for models donated to MM!
This one is installed differently than all the other versions. Simply extract the zip file, then run "Massive Mod.bat". DO NOT EXTRACT IT OVER A STRANDED 2 INSTALLATION.
Bugs, comments, criticism, ect. As always, post it here. Or email me. Or add me on Steam. Contact info is in the readme.
edited 65×, last 18.11.14 06:24:20 am