Servers 5 servers 5 servers
3 replies I know only 5 servers can be online with the same ip address. But my 4 and 5 server have this on launch:
"U.S.G.N.: Can't add server to serverlist. Too many servers with your IP!"
its not more than 5.. how i can fix that? DC Admin Online
What's you server's IP? How often is it listed here?
Maybe there are dead entries from previous server starts still on the list. In that case the problem should solve itself within a couple of minutes because dead servers (which do not ping the USGN regularly) are automatically removed from the list after a few minutes.
If there are weird servers on the list / the problem doesn't fix itself after like 10 minutes you should check the processes on your server and make sure that no extra CS2D instances are running.
It seems that something is wrong with your servers, look at players 0 / 0...
Also https://cs2d.serverpit.com/ shows only servers that returns valid values that's why these servers are not there.