
Mouse position incorrect
8 replies

player(id,"mousey")are based off how we used to fetch their mouse position using

edited 1×, last 01.09.23 05:25:49 pm
player(id, 'mousex')does not output values higher than 850x480.
mp_hudscale 0
Increasing resolution, does not increase your field of view.
This way you can check whether mouse is pointing on some object on the map regardless resolution. This is by design.


mp_hudscalegreatly distorts the image, makes it fuzzy if you change the resolution from smaller to larger.
I decided to completely rewrite the adaptation of the screen resolution, but when trying to find out the resolution from the player
player(id,'screenw')it sometimes outputs incorrect values (slightly incorrect). Also, these values do not change or change crookedly for the Host (Starting the server through New Game and testing). Similarly for the