A player kill another player (1v1), the victim goes to spectator (easy part, already done). Now the script should pick a random player in spectator and join that empty team. Also it would be good to not select the latest "victim".

if wrapper~=true then dofile("sys/lua/wrapper.lua") end addhook("kill", "_k") function _k(kid, vid, weapon, x, y, kobj, assist) 	playerlist=player(0,"table") 	if #playerlist > 2 then 		tempteam = player(vid,"team") 		makespec(vid) 		randid = 0 		repeat 			randid = playerlist[math.random(#playerlist)] 		until randid ~= vid and player(randid,"team") == 0 		if tempteam == 1 then 			maket(randid) 		else 			makect(randid) 		end 	end end
--untested if wrapper~=true then dofile("sys/lua/wrapper.lua") end function initArray(m,v) 	if v == null then v = 0 end 	local array={} 	for i=1, m do 		array[i]=v 	end 	return array end function removeFirstElement(t) 	for i =2, #t, 1 do 		t[i-1] = t[i] 	end 	t[#t] = nil end queue = {} addhook("kill", "_k") function _k(kid, vid, weapon, x, y, kobj, assist) 	tempteam = player(vid,"team") 	makespec(vid) 	queue[#queue + 1]=vid 	if tempteam == 1 then 		maket(queue[0]) 	else 		makect(queue[0]) 	end 	removeFirstElement(queue) 	for pos, id in ipairs(queue) do 		msg2(id, "Queue pos: "..pos) 	end end
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/wrapper.lua:182: attempt to concatenate local 'player' (a nil value) -> sys/lua/wrapper.lua:182: in function 'makect' -> sys/lua/autorun/1v1.lua:31: in function <sys/lua/autorun/1v1.lua:24> -> in Lua hook 'kill', params: 1, 2, 50, 304, 592, 0, 0
if tempteam == 1 then 	maket(queue[1]) else 	makect(queue[1]) end