i want if you type !dropgasmask you drop gas mask if anyone can do this little script pls help... cuz im not that scripter
addhook("say", "say") addhook("die", "die") addhook("spawn", "spawn") local isDroppedMask = {} local wpnList = {} function say(pid, msg) 	if(msg == "!dropgasmask") then 		if(player(pid, "gasmask") == true) then 			isDroppedMask[pid] = true 			local itemlist = playerweapons(pid) 			wpnList[pid] = {} 			for _,iid in pairs(itemlist) do 				table.insert(wpnList[pid], itemtype(iid, "name")) 			end 			itemlist = nil 			parse("killplayer "..tostring(pid)) 		end 	end end function die(victim, killer, weapon, x, y, killerobject) 	if(isDroppedMask[victim] == true) then 		parse("spawnplayer "..tostring(victim).." "..tostring(x).." "..tostring(y)) 		return 1 	end 	return 0 end function spawnEquip(pid) 	pid = tonumber(pid) 	for _,itemType in pairs(wpnList[pid]) do 		parse("equip "..tostring(pid).." "..tostring(itemType)) 	end 	parse("spawnitem 60 "..tostring(player(pid, "tilex")).." "..tostring(player(pid, "tiley"))) end function spawn(pid) 	if(isDroppedMask[pid] == true) then 		isDroppedMask[pid] = false 		timer(10, "spawnEquip", tostring(pid), 1) 	end 	 	return "" end
strip *id* 60console command to remove the gas mask from your inventory.
function strip(id,item) if player(id,"exists") and player(id,"health") > 0 then -- Cheap precautions local armor, hp, mhp, wpnlist, x, y armor = player(id,"armor") hp = player(id,"health") mhp = player(id,"maxhealth") wpnlist = playerweapons(id) x = player(id,"x") y = player(id,"y") local df = false local nv = false local gm = false if player(id,"defusekit") then df = true end if player(id,"nightvision") then nv = true end if player(id,"gasmask") then gm = true end if item == 56 or item == 59 or item == 60 then parse("spawnplayer "..id.." "..x.." "..y) parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." "..mhp) parse("sethealth "..id.." "..hp) parse("setarmor "..id.." "..armor) for _, w in ipairs(wpnlist) do parse("equip "..id.." "..w) end if item == 56 then if nv == true then parse("equip "..id.." 59") end if gm == true then parse("equip "..id.." 60") end elseif item == 59 then if df == true then parse("equip "..id.." 56") end if gm == true then parse("equip "..id.." 60") end elseif item == 60 then if df == true then parse("equip "..id.." 56") end if nv == true then parse("equip "..id.." 59") end end else parse("strip "..id.." "..item) end end end addhook("say","_say") function _say(id,txt) 	if txt == "!dropgasmask" then 		if player(id,"gasmask") then 			local tx, ty = player(id,"tilex"), player(id,"tiley") 			parse("spawnitem 60 "..tx.." "..ty) 			strip(id,60) 		end 	end end
MT = { lock_gasmask = { } } function MT.walkover_hook(p, itemID, itemType, ammoIn, ammo, mode) 	if itemType == 60 and MT.lock_gasmask[p] then 		return 1 	end end function MT.say_hook(p, message) 	if message == '!dropgasmask' then 		MT.lock_gasmask[p] = true 		local x, y = player(p, 'x'), player(p, 'y') 		parse('customkill "0" "Server" "' .. p .. '"') 		parse('setdeaths "' .. p .. '" "' .. player(p, 'deaths') - 1) 		parse('spawnplayer "' .. p .. '" "' .. x .. '" "' .. y .. '"') 		MT.lock_gasmask[p] = nil 	end end local function init() 	addhook('walkover',	'MT.walkover_hook') 	addhook('say',		'MT.say_hook') end init()