Yes, simple. But I don't know it.... Anyways, How do you make the sprites move smoothly using... 'Trigger_Delay' Thank you.
CS2D Maps/Editor Moving spritesMoving sprites
2 replies 1
Yes, simple. But I don't know it.... Anyways, How do you make the sprites move smoothly using... 'Trigger_Delay' Thank you.
The short answer is: You can't do that. env_sprite entities are not designed to be moved at all during runtime.
There are two ways to achieve what you want to do:
Use Lua map scripts and image instead of env_sprite. image has tween commands like tween_move which do exactly what you want.
If you REALLY don't want to use Lua you can use an ugly fallback solution with entities and triggering only but this one is a ton of annoying work (clearly not recommended): Create X env sprite entities with the same image and move every one a little bit further. Hide them all at start. Now you have to trigger them in a row with a ton of trigger_delay so that only one is shown at a time.
sprites: A, B, C, D ..., all hidden at start except for A
delays: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
trigger delay 1 to start fake movement. It triggers A, B and 2 (hides A, shows B and triggers next step)
2 triggers B, C and 3
3 triggers C, D and 4
and so on
This way you create the illusion of movement. But: trigger_delay is currently restricted to second precision so it won't be smooth.