my server is not found on dediacted
my server is not found on dediacted
6 replies hello today i run dediacted but not found my server in version 1.2.5 it was run perfect 1.2.6 not working now not working pls help me Learn english please , i can't understand any word , just "server / can't see"
Kirito2K:: if i use dediacted i not found it
What happens after you launch the Dedicated Server?
Does tell you that the dedicated version is outdated?
With your broken English, it'll be difficult for us to understand your issue/problem.
If the dedicated tells you that the version is outdated then you must replace the dedicated server (the executable file) with a new one.
Link: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_pub/cs2d_dedicated_win.zip
Otherwise if you already did this method to update the dedicated and you can't find your server is because your server is ALWAYS on LAN section like every dedicated server else. Server
Client side GREAT
Talented Doge: lel.
MaxmyA_TN: always download the newest version of dedicated, or if you save the old version of the game just make an folder and put there folders (0125dedicated,0126dedicated), and put there your dedicated..
puff in your head. @
i dont use the old version us your words lol and i use the new version and i dont download from now links loool
only on unreal software