I want to other players who join my server can see my skin (or my bots skin).
It is posible? Admin/mod comment
"what can i do?" = bad generic title. fixed! Please think about a good title next time! /DC Avo User
Use servertransfer file and lua scripts
I think this is not possible because it's your skin in your CS2D folder then.. I'm afraid it's only achievable with some Lua scripting. Basically, task is to pop a rotatable image (your skin) over a player, something like that was seen in Tibia (armour wearing). @
Hellcat: Not really. You can upload those skins in your VPS but moreover you must create a lua script or something like that.
As for the servertransfer, usually the skins/sprites, etc. are located in gfx folder, therefor in servertransfer file you must write like this:
"gfx/yourskinfolder/skin file"
You must write also the extension of the file too. Do you know there is something called zombie plague where the terro got the zombie skin.
But it is hard coded only Dc can help you i guess. Where can I find a servertransfer.lua file? You can find in CS2D folder/sys...
When you are in sys folder of the CS2D scroll down and you'll see the servertransfer file.