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English Space mod

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old Re: Space mod

BANNED Off Offline

Anyone can criticize. They don't need to be professional skinners, mappers etc. Everyone has their own opinion.
I didn't see you bitching about Turks/Brazilians or any other person who had made really shitty stuff or people who hadn't made anything at all.

The tileset in the pic above is quite nice.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

Since you have not created anything with good quality - so your opinion/criticizm is empty and does not mean anything. And if you have self-esteem should not express your useless criticism.

old Re: Space mod

Deleted User

@user Pagyra:
Your opinion is wrong. Let's take Google+, for example. YouTube tries to brag us Google+, no one likes it, but no one will criticize it because they haven't done anything like G+? It makes no sense.

This site is made for this. You upload stuff -> getting criticism -> improving your stuff -> upload again.

old Re: Space mod

BANNED Off Offline

getting more criticism->even more criticism->leaves the site.
True story.

aaanyway, the mod doesn't look interesting to me, i won't say it's bad but i also won't say it's good.

old Re: Space mod

Deleted User

@user Suprise:
If you aren't able to handle criticism, then you will never become better in your work.

old Re: Space mod

BANNED Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: I know, that's why i'm still here.
I was actually pointing out the thread where the dude made a bad spraylogo, got a lot of criticism and left the site.

old Re: Space mod

BANNED Off Offline

Yeah, he came back afterwards.

@user Pagyra: So what if I haven't made anything good? I still have my opinion which I can express. Doesn't matter who I am. Why aren't you telling this to the people who like your stuff and who haven't done anything?
I guess crticism = disliking. If we look at your logic.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

I do not care - this is my position:
- if you do not have quality works - then your opinion is bullshit
Criticism - should be constructive - it must be look like as report about what specifically mistakes \ inconvenience there is in mod/work

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

I work alone so the process is delayed
As Soon As Immediately ... ASAI


One more another test for mod... now with tanks
edited 1×, last 27.11.13 02:32:23 pm

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

You seem to talk bullshit, EVERYONE can express their opinion freely, you see- the customer, Is always right.
if you think their speach is worthless, don't expect many to like you or your work, YOU are at their mercy... So don't be a bitch, respect them, they will respect you... Unless they're a rude asshole
Spoiler >

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

user Jawohl has written
Unless they're a rude asshole

Not all ... but there are some..."individuality"

Thank you, every day mod is slowly but surely improving .... I hope there will be people who want to help, not only to express their opinion.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline


Here's one more test -
KV-1, Matilda, Pzkpfw3 tanks and you can see the flying shell and flash of the shot ...
Morning light gray fog ... some test destroyable buildings
edited 2×, last 03.12.13 01:23:11 pm
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