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English 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

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Are you for the abolition of Rule 5.3?

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old closed Poll 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

User Off Offline

Before the mods or DC close this thread and ban me for a month or so, I'd like them to first read the whole thread. Thanks.

I believe that Rule 5.3, that prohibits the use of ASCII art, memes or funny pictures should be gone. First of all, in some cases, a picture is worth a thousand words. Sure, it can be abused, but that can be punishable by not exactly deleting the rule but editing it to something like "Stupid pictures aren't allowed, so isn't an excessive use of smart/funny pictures".
It could seriously help some of the users with describing what they feel about threads like , or .
Writing huge posts that describe how we feel about a thread like this, and how the author shouldn't post it and getting a "ME TR FUK UR MOHTER BAN" as a reply can be quite frustrating. In these cases it's better to just post a picture like or .

Am I right or what? I'd actually like the users to vote on this one. Just please, don't just vote, write something in this thread, like "I vote for" or "I am against that".
Thank you.

To the mods and DC, please let the community vote on this one, at least for a couple of days. After all, we should be listened to as well sometimes.

old Re: 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

User Off Offline

You do have a point, but some people get annoyed by these images. Surely DC will not remove the rule, but come on! This is Unreal Software we're talking about.
edited 1×, last 14.10.12 04:54:35 pm

old Re: 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

User On Online

I really don't understand what you're talking about. You don't need more than 7 ("Can't", "tell", "if", "stupid", "or", "just", "trolling") words to describe what this picture wants to say. Same thing goes for the other picture. It's true, pictures may be worth more than a thousand words. But this sentence doesn't really apply for meme pictures. It applies for pictures like the Mona Lisa. We don't want to have a second 4chan here. Sorry

old Re: 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

User Off Offline

@user ohaz: Yes, however, it is better to describe how you feel with a picture.
Edit: Just typing "Can't tell if stupid..." just shows what you want to say, a good picture with a suspicious face is much much better.

old Re: 5.3 Rule and why it should be gone

Admin Off Offline

ASCII art and meme pics are a horrible nuisance and they are very bad for the reading flow (which is one of the most important things in a forum). Kids tend to overuse them to ridiculously annoying extents. It's easier to ban this ugly and useless stuff completely.

Also: Learn to express yourself with words. It's awesome. Much more awesome than copy and pasting links to constantly recurring images.

Luckily the community seems to agree with this.

old important Naysayer.


I have to say that words do prove to be worth more than images and it'd be really pathetic to respond in a forum with a image everytime, so I agree completely with DC. However smileys are somewhat fine as they are just additions to a post which expresses a persons emotions and it's very useful and makes the forum more fun and interesting and more positive sort of speak. However too much smileys can build up a bad habit which I unfortunally have, luckily there is a limit of smileys in each post to prevent massive smileys and that's pretty good. Images used in a excessive amount would prove the same as a giant smiley invasion, pictures that are connected to trolling isn't exactly the best either, the reason why? since they aren't very cool at all, they're just annoying.

Some people do want to have serious and meaningful discussions, so it'd be quite sad to see certain individuals whose only purpose is to destroy a topic with ASCII art and memes because they feel like it and for the fun of it. But do remember that you have a responsibility and that you are willingly doing this to ruin the discussion for other people that might participate in the discussion and perhaps even lead to the closing of threads/topics it has happened a few times before. Each time it has been disappointing to see but anyways I hope most of you understand this. However the people here who do follow this simple rule, I respect you all, because most of you are still capable of listening and understanding. Big up to all of you, I appreciate it alot.
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