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closed moved ANONYMOUS ATTACK!

User Off Offline

I tell them that anonimous, mentions that his next target is, eliminating CS2D and carnage contest. The attack began on 21/09/12. like the attack facebook. sorry.

Anonimous who are they and how they act?

1_Su motto is "We are legion. Not forgive. Do not forget"
2_Es an international movement without leaders, in favor of transparency
3_ Its symbol is the mask of the hero of the film V for Vendetta

What is Anonymous?
Is an international movement of Internet activists, formed by an unknown number of people who are so called because they do not reveal their identity. Are anonymous.

There are no leaders and all are alike. Are decentralized. Anonymous is a network distibuida. Are grouped into 'hives' and often carry out their actions after a vote among all group members.

They do not belong to any political party and are distributed all over the world. All are represented under one command, the mask used in the graphic novel V V for Vendetta, which was adapted to film with the same title, and has become one of the most recognizable emblems today.

The mask represents the figure Guy Fawkes, who tried to put a bomb in the foundations of the British Parliament to assassinate King James I in 1605.

Their motto is "Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. Not forgive. Not forget. Tarry". Is the message that they have launched the world in every video they have created to vindicate their cyber attacks against the websites of other entities.

When do they arise?
The Wikileaks case ignited in the group. Declared enemies of the enemies of Wikileaks and knocked all who refused to support Julian Assange, such as Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or Amazon.

At first only did their actions on the Internet. Caused the fall of servers, carried out different computer attacks and disseminated data through the Network

These activities continue today, but for a little over a year, especially after the Goya Awards ceremony in 2011, his presence on the streets has been much more common, at least their masks.

In each demonstration or protest during the past year have seen many people wearing the mask of Guy Fawkes, and although many of them probably are not part of the movement, feel represented by the claims of the collective.

Arrests in Spain
The National Police in Spain have arrested four members of the group Anonymous as part of the international transaction 'Exposure', which concluded with the charge of 21 other group members 'hacktivist' in Latin America.

Of the four arrested, two were sent to prison. Another defendant has been released on bail and the fourth child in the custody of their parents, as reported by the police.

Police sources confirmed to that arrests have been made two in Madrid, Malaga and another one in Pontevedra and not expect more arrests related to this operation.

Members of Anonymous have been accused of being the alleged perpetrators of DDoS attacks to websites of political parties, institutions and companies. They attributed crimes of conspiracy, computer damage and discovery and disclosure of secrets.

This is the second major operation against the group in our country. Last June 2011, the National Police appeared at a press conference to give details of the operation described as the "dismantling of the 'dome' of the organization in Spain."

On that occasion, the National Police arrested "the three heads of Anonymous in Spain" and calls it 'dome' but since the group 'hacktivist' remember that your organization does not have leaders.

This research was the first police operation in Spain against Anonymous and only had precedents in the U.S. and the UK, due to the complex security measures taken to safeguard its members anonymity.

How do their attacks?
Usually attacks are based on distributed denial of service (DDoS). Is to launch numerous requests to a server hosting a website, so that the hosting service can not bear the burden of requests and the service is suspended.

Yago Jesus, security expert and member of Security blog by Default, explained to that is linked to the concept 'bandwidth', ie "the amount of data that your connection will be able to use."

That is, "what makes this type of attack is to flood with 'connections junk servers in the target organization to actually saturate your bandwidth and make room for normal use."

What are the most important attacks?
In addition to all the companies that turned their backs on Julian Assange, also shot to fame for his attacks on the website of SGAE and the Ministry of Culture as well as hundreds of pages that have been attacked in recent months, such as Academy of Cinema and Television, one of the most recent attacks.

It also swept away the webs of several Spanish political parties after the adoption of the law Sinde. Acted against Sony, but dissociated themselves from attacks that have collapsed on-line platform of the Japanese giant.

Were seen on the red carpet at the Goya to protest against the law Sinde in 2011, as in the edition in 2012, where they managed to sneak on stage, and their masks also could be seen in the Puerta del Sol, in support to 15M movement outraged.

According to the release of the National Police which claimed to have arrested the leadership of Anonymous, launched an offensive against the website of the Central Electoral Board and later also against the websites of the Autonomous Police and the UGT.

Furthermore, attacked entities as the American Association of Music Industry (RIAA) and Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) whose websites were falling for hours.


Admin On Online

"Anonimous"? What the fuck is that? A stupid collective of retarded children who attack freeware game developers and who don't know how to type "Anonymous" correctly?! Aww come one...

I only know "Anonymous" and there is not a single fucking reason for them to attack Unreal Software.

So my message to you is basically:
Shut the fuck up and grow up. Stop posting random shit because you're bored.

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