
CS2D no longer has the filter in the server list "Yes & has same version" on by default. This fills up the server list with unavailable servers which I don't think should be the case (by default)?
I'm sure.

This is the new and recommended way of choosing the resolution / window mode.
The command line args - and the launcher which is just using them - still exist (and I want to keep them) but as you see there seem to be bugs with them in some cases.

ERROR: Unknown command 'setscore' (setscore 1 0)


I can't reproduce it. You are able to reproduce it all the time? OpenGL or DirectX? Also there might be additional steps involved, like opening menu and pressing ok (applying graphics settings again)

By the way, the bug is about the file .bat as you said. No matter what settings you set up.
Seems like you must see the minimap/radar code yet again and work on it.

Hajt: It's already fixed for dedicated. You need to download it. Will be fixed for next client as well. (I don't see point to update clients just for this command)

Ok, nice to know. Are you also going to add a new command setassist or sth like that?

Oh also you info is misleading. Minimap has a cache, so once it's loaded, even though corrupted, it will always show that map until you delete cache. This thing is also reproducible only on DX or OpenGL, not on both (since I know the issue, but forgot which graphics driver causes it). Check your stuff multiple times before reporting.

edited 1×, last 16.10.17 08:31:40 am
Screens related:
Looks weird, doesn't it?


edited 1×, last 29.05.19 12:59:21 pm