Since CS2D (IDK on Pre-release v1 or v2) shadows just looks bad (all on Advanced - Low setting):

can_place = false addhook("build","_build") function _build(id,btype,x,y,mode,objid) 	if btype == 20 then 		if can_place then return 0 end 		can_place = true 		return 1 	end end addhook("spawn","_spawn") function _spawn(id) 	timer(1000,"parse","equip "..id.." mine") end
Error: player Player (#1) tries to select weapon which he does not own (wpn id 77) ERROR: Player tries to setup a mine without having one!
checkfile = "gfx/abc.txt" addhook("join", "_join") addhook("clientdata", "_clientdata") function _join(p) 	reqcld(p, 4, checkfile) end function _clientdata(p, m, d1, d2) 	if m == 4 then 		if checksumfile(checkfile) == d2 then 			authplayer(p) 		end 	end end function authplayer(p) 	msg("HORRAY!"..player(p, "name").." is ADMIN!") end
addhook("say","say_hat") function say_hat(id,txt) 	if (txt=="!nohat") then 		freeimage(id) 	end end