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English CS2D Bug Reports

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old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Fullscreen makes the Menu's and every image smaller, even the text is smaller when you have fullscreen on


VS default screen
edited 4×, last 12.05.17 09:15:41 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

• Lines on the tiles. Weird thing.

• Game crashes sometimes in map editor.
• Dead black screen while closing CS2D.
• Started game, joined a server, disconnected, made it fullscreen and joined the server again, later this happened when i attack;

Also it shows screen shot is also bugged.
edited 2×, last 12.05.17 08:59:03 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Promaster: That's expected behavior for HUD texts and HUD Lua images. Take a look at cs2d cmd mp_hudscale

@user BcY: Thanks for the report but "Game crashes sometimes in map editor." is a bit too vague. Do you do special things when this happens? Or does it happen after a certain time or something like this?
edited 1×, last 12.05.17 09:19:47 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: it happens when i edit tile properties then place some tiles. i will check it detailed and tell you what causes to this problem.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Super User Off Offline

user BcY has written
@user DC: it happens when i edit tile properties then place some tiles. i will check it detailed and tell you what causes to this problem.
Plus when we're in fullscreen mode and do many Alt+Tabs which I actually doubt :S

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user xsiN: has written
In 16:9 resolution turrets still act like in the previous version, therefore I can spot them in screen before they spot me.

Dunno if it is meant to be like that

@user DC: the same happens with the bot's AI

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Reviewer Off Offline

user Masea has written
user BcY has written
@user DC: it happens when i edit tile properties then place some tiles. i will check it detailed and tell you what causes to this problem.
Plus when we're in fullscreen mode and do many Alt+Tabs which I actually doubt :S

Ooops exactly!

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Whenever i try to buy something, this happens.

I see like 1 tile only lol. OpenGL, 640x480 res.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user BcY: Chat works fine here. It might be related to your firewall settings as it tries to establish a TCP connection to an IRC server at that point.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user DC:

DC, at PCS we're having a big discussion about the pointer.

Why it gotta be so small now???

make it bigger!!

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Andrez: I don't have to. There is a setting which allows you to scale the cursor related to the screen resolution: ch_scale. You can find it in options > more. Just set it to 1 and enjoy if you like big ass cursors.
(this setting is only relevant for the classic crosshair with mp_recoil 0)

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user DC:

Cool story but it doesnt change anything AT ALL

literally. fix that asap please

because the only decent way of aiming is not "scaled" to the new resolution.. major flaw.

Also one sickening thing of recoil is that knife has a bigger recoil than many weapons, so when you switch weapons its always annoying too

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

Oh, I'm sorry then this is a bug which will be fixed with the next release. I recommend to simply stick to a lower resolution if you dislike having a small crosshair.

Regarding recoil you have to talk to user SQ. I did not work on it at all.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

wrench can destroy enemy buildings,including your own buildings
(It won't fix or upgrade your buildings,it will destroy them)
It happens sometimes

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

Just so reports doesn't repeat:
I've fixed issues with radar getting all messed up after tabbing out when lighting engine is not enabled. And few related issues to that.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

@user Masea: It works, otherwise bots wouldn't shot at you. So guess something is wrong with the script.
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