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Englisch Site Bug: Image Gallery

53 Antworten
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alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

User Off Offline

I don't mind the design, actually i find it pretty comfortable, and it has a great performance. While other browsers are crashing and bugging (the reason this thread was created) im browsing like a boss.

alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

I also have this bug,but I USE CROME . Internet Explorer do not show anything(only dark) Firefox-normal,all right.

Ofcourse it is mistake of DC for JavaScript-not right position,but and of fucking stupidest www.

I like Interface of Chrome,so I do not want change it-it is one bug i have seen :).

I hate WWW,I hate fucking HTML,that is stupit(i can not menage it you-only prof programmers will understand me),and I hate Javascript,but I php,mysql,C++(out of this theme).

alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

User Off Offline

Stop this browser-fight please. I use Chrome too but it's irrelevant which browser you use as long as you can't CLEARLY say that it's this browsers fault.

alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

Admin On Online

user Yates hat geschrieben
user DC hat geschrieben
I'm using chrome

There, that is the problem.

and the troll award goes to... user Yates for quoting only the first part of my sentence
I'm using chrome as well and it's always working fine for me

in order to claim that chrome sucks. nicely done.

I still can't reproduce this problem here in any browser. weird.

alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Sorry but I can't reproduce this on my computer, I've tried different resolutions, different zoom levels, as well as different browsers and operating systems.

alt Re: Site Bug: Image Gallery

User Off Offline

@user Ultimate programmer: I am Estonian but my mother tongue is Russian, and my English is perfect. Am... am I right?
user DC hat geschrieben
and the troll award goes to... user Yates for quoting only the first part of my sentence in order to claim that chrome sucks. nicely done.

He aims to please.
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