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English UBER Lag when ordering server list

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old Re: UBER Lag when ordering server list

User Off Offline

which % of your cpu and ram is in use?
please give us that values, but be sure that you don't run any programms.


You can simply fix that by following this:

1. open router config
2. open Page-blacklist in the options menu
3. add "" to it.
edited 1×, last 08.07.11 09:55:21 pm

old hmm

User Off Offline

well I laugh when I say this but...

I think its your internet because i have the same problem with CS2D and CC they can't connect to ANY servers, even if i do get the occational IP server name.

I know that this isn't the CPU for me because I have two computers here that I switch off of but neither work on the internet but when I play with my bots and stuff its perfect FPS and all...

and i use my friends quite suckish CPU and it gets on the servers easily (at like 30 FPS)

old Re: UBER Lag when ordering server list

Admin Off Offline

someone already suggested to wait until the list is fully loaded and then change the way it is sorted. and it still lags/crashes when changing the sorting then (I hope I got that right).

so the network traffic shouldn't be the reason.

old Re: UBER Lag when ordering server list

User Off Offline

Same here Selecting order by ping is making no lag everything is fine but when i chose others game is freezing and making so much lag Now i chose others after fully servers loaded.

old Re: UBER Lag when ordering server list

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Well I always select by players or by latency.

And this is for real, selecting from Name^ makes me lag for about 3 seconds to 8 frames.

I bet on slower computers it might make you go to 1 frame, or even crash.

lolol DC is smart he can optimize sorting by name.
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