Deleted Useron server "pacman - deathrun" always join spammer and start spamm whole chat that players cant see the way, when we try to votekick him he join again in two seconds and start spamming again, someone can help me what to do?
-- Wait Time for saying in seconds Wait_Time = 1 Say_Timer = {} addhook("second","onSec") function onSec() 	for i = 1, 32 do 		-- For each player 		if Say_Timer[i] then 			if Say_Timer[i] > 0 then 				-- Rest time to the say timer 				Say_Timer[i] = Say_Timer[i] - 1 			end 		else 			Say_Timer[i] = 0 		end 	end end addhook("say","onSay") function onSay(id,txt) 	if not Say_Timer[i] then Say_Timer[i] = 0 end -- You didn't say anything before 	if Say_Timer[i] == 0 then 		Say_Timer[i] = Wait_Time 		return 0 -- Now you can say, you waited 	end 	return 1 -- Do not say, you didn't wait the seconds end