
I don't understand how to extract CC
22 replies
wait ~10 minutes and you will got it
[EDIT] I have it now, uploading
It's ~11 MB, so uploading on MeagaUpload
edited 2×, last 26.02.11 10:38:09 am

@Qrchack Where's the link?

btw @DC
could you upload it after me on CarnageContest.com?
[EDIT] All fine. It's 10,14 MB and here link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JZBMKTK1
edited 7×, last 26.02.11 10:55:17 am
And MOST IMPORTANTLY don't USE the Forums for CHAT !!!
And MOST IMPORTANLY don't USE the Forums for CHAT !!!
I'm only ask.

and installer is ~10,1 MB, zip - 10,6 MB
this is magic of best compression

how about it? checked 3 times with NOD32, Avira and Ad-Adware and no virus problems

And...CORUPTED!It says this data contains invalid data.
@DC how about it? checked 3 times with NOD32,Avira and Ad-Adware and no virus problems.
Just give him a message Messages-Write new message.
edited 1×, last 26.02.11 11:15:41 am

ok writing
and i will give you cookies you won't be hungry

what is corrupted?
[EDIT] fuck... DC is offline from 8 hours

edited 2×, last 26.02.11 11:30:38 am

@Blablablabla: make sure that you are not loading the same file again from your cache.
the zip file for the game is working. maybe try another unzipping software like 7zip for example.
also I don't understand what shortcuts you are talking about. there are no shortcuts included. you extract the game to a folder of your choice (do not extract it to c:/program files/ !) and then you run the game exe file!

on my comp zip works, installer too

DC has written
..we have the same time in Germany. 11:44. that's fucking early in the morning! 

If that's early for you, I'd hate to see you get up at 6am

get it for free at http://www.7-zip.org/