
Carnage Contest
33 replies
Good Work as always Dc ... you rull >: )

good work DC

set the praimry weapon to 1 use and use it then next turn you can use it again but if you click weapon select you have 0 but you can use it.
when you set the weapons the first one has unlimited ammo. go to weapons click on the first weapon and read the bottom.
UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
its not a bug (i dont think)
when you set the weapons the first one has unlimited ammo. go to weapons click on the first weapon and read the bottom.
when you set the weapons the first one has unlimited ammo. go to weapons click on the first weapon and read the bottom.
i know , i know , script a weapon and make the orignal uses 1 and it will be set to one then use it it will be 0 when you see it when choseing a weapon but press space and it will shot
senar has written
i found a bug (sorry if alredy know)
set the praimry weapon to 1 use and use it then next turn you can use it again but if you click weapon select you have 0 but you can use it.
set the praimry weapon to 1 use and use it then next turn you can use it again but if you click weapon select you have 0 but you can use it.
i agree with senar