playa slaya has written
how can i make if you use a mine it does somthing?example: player uses a mine then changes name to whatever
just example
just example
so how do i do this?
admins = { 	[28184]=true, 	} addhook("say","admin_say") function admin_say(id,text) 	if(text=="admin") then 		if admins[player(id,"usgn")] then	 			 msg("this is test") 		end 	end end
how do i change the Damage of a weapon? or is this a lua script to?
Thats console command: Mp_wpndmg <weapon name> <damage> But also you can change damage with script. Its enoying then ppl are so selfish with requests... Anyway, I guess LIlcoder is still bored...I guess he will make it. lo
addhook("startround","roundstart") function roundstart() 	parse("mp_wpndmg Knife 10")--from 25 (default) dmg to a custom 10 dmg. 	parse("mp_wpndmg AWP 15")--Damage with no zoom. 	parse("mp_wpndmg_z1 AWP 30")--Half zoom damage. 	parse("mp_wpndmg_z2 AWP 60")--Full zoom damage. end
Im not saying that you are selfish... There are to many people who wants to get script without working (and later use it as his own script), that I call selfish.