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Englisch Rumor has it...

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alt geschlossen Rumor has it...

Idiot Off Offline

Can this be? Did DC actually give his PW to the mysterious l? Everyone has been voting so.
DC says that he doesn't remember, just like he said that he doesn't remember puting moo sound files in the cs2d zip file. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT! DC is a secretly a member of the cow army. Could it be that he shared his PW with the army?
I think DC is not who we think he is or who he wants us to think he is.
Have you heard any rumors about DC? please post them.

Useigor, pls gtfo, the community will not be silenced.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Reviewer Off Offline

This is not DC's fault, the cow army had persuaded Useigor to speedhack in servers (Yes, fuck you Useigor. Little speedhacker.) and become a moderator to login to DC's account, and now he likes cow sex and banning people for no reason at all.

This is a conspiracy. Viva la DICK_SHIT.
1× editiert, zuletzt 21.03.14 21:59:41

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Idiot Off Offline

No. This is no conspiracy. I will collect enough proof to prove that there is something up with DC.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Reviewer Off Offline

I still think there is no reason to ignore that Useigor is a little speedhacker with a small penis (DC's words).

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Idiot Off Offline

Hmm, that could be true. It is believable. Could it really be that Useigor is the mysterious Mrs.l?

*awaiting others thoughts on this.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Reviewer Off Offline

@user ohaz, you have just put the last piece of the puzzle together:

Useigor is in fact the terrorist that made 9/11 happen. How? Aimbot, and anti-flash.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Reviewer Off Offline

Indeed, we should congratulate Ohaz with his findings and make him a moderator once more so we don't have the little kid, Useigor, as moderator (WHICH SAID TO BE 24/7 ONLINE?!1) that speedhacks.

DC, I am serious.

Have I already mentioned Useigor hacks in CS2D? No? Well he does.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Reviewer Off Offline

user Seekay hat geschrieben
Also, Ohaz once saved the jews during World War II.

Indeed, he shot down the aimbotting Useigor.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Idiot Off Offline

Yeah, Useigor should get demoted and banned. He was an asshole (which breaks a rule) all the time before he got promoted to a moderator. He still is. I really liked how he kept spamming dead files with comments like "this sucks" just to get one post per day ratio.

alt Re: Rumor has it...

Admin Off Offline

I heard the rumor - and I know that it must be true - that the cow army is an invention of former users who got banned and were (or still are) pissed because of that. They started to spam gayporn and cow stuff because that was the only "solution" their inferior brains came up with. Everybody who claims that the cow army really exists is probably a gayporn fetishist with at least one banned account.

Also I'm going to close this thread now.
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