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Englisch What makes a good map?

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alt What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

Due to the apparent lack of interest in my maps (:() by other players (they leave after joining the server... :(), I have been wondering what constitutes a well-made map. I know this may sound incredibly dumb, but I have taken a look at many maps [de_dust, cs_druglab, ctf_fortress or whatever that one was] and thought, "Simplicity! Let the players decide how they play!"
Hell, that didn't work at all.
So I'm wondering what you guys think elements are necessary for a good map.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

Great map has lots of custom-objects and its own tileset BUT IT DOESN`T LOAD MUCH!

Great maps are simple but interesting and they must be unique.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

First: Many users use filters so if you host your map and your server is empty the won't join becuase the server is empty.

If you want an popular map, you should stick the following rules:

Make an great map (some players prefer, a good map design (nade bouncing, tactical shooting), others like good graphics

Host it on a server with a good connection and tell your friends the should play on this server, so there are at least 6 players on the server

other players will join this server and play your map.

If the they like it and they host server thereself, there is a chance that they host your map themself and it gets spreaded all over the world

alt Re: What makes a good map?

Admin On Online

• avoid narrow ways (they should be at least two tiles wide)
• don't make your map so big that you have to search your enemies for a long time
• don't make it so small that it is boring
• create always two or more ways to reach/leave an important spot (bombspot, hostages, spawn).
• try to keep it balanced. neither t nor ct should have big advantages
• select the right tiles for the right place. it has to be obvious which tiles are walls, which are floor and which are obstacles. never use tiles which look alike for walls AND obstacles!
• never user music in your map
• don't use too many entities. too many graphics and effects can ruin the fps.
• add stuff like crates which can be used as cover. try to avoid big open areas without any cover.
• NEVER EVER add stupid "traps" which hurt the player and which can only be spotted when you run into them. they are just frustrating.

• simply have a look at the most played cs or cs2d maps and try to find reasons why they are fun (I already mentioned most of those reasons though).

alt Re: What makes a good map?

Night Till Death
User Off Offline

to make people join you own map i have my own way!

1. Add bots (people think that bots are real players so they join your server!) but problem is that they can leave!

2. Lua Scripting! If you have lua active they might join becouse they think its a good mod or something like that!

3. Good server name! some people dont want to join a cheap server name! (but i might be wrong)

4. Get friends and invite theme on your server! people will start to join auto!

5. Look what kind of mod you have! Zombie,Construct,Standart,Deathmach!

Most people enjoy construct! on 88% atleast!
Some people like zombie! on 66% shure
Standart some people play it! on 44% shure (Use standart if you have a prizon map!)
Deathmach some play it! on 22% shure!
Team deathmach well im not shure about this! not many people like it on 15% shure!

Hope i helped you!

alt Re: What makes a good map?


NTD hat geschrieben
to make people join you own map i have my own way!

1. Add bots (people think that bots are real players so they join your server!) but problem is that they can leave!

Actually since the newest version, you can see if there's any bot on the server-information. So no, players will see from the serverlist if there are bots or not.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

Here is one of my maps

You shold keep in mind thise things:
as. mode:
- have at least 2 escape pts.
- make sure that the Terrorist base is closer to the Escape zone (to make sure that Terrorist can Intercept the V.I.P in time)
- Avoid making narrow corridors or paths that lead to the escape pts. (terrorist will abuse this and use HE's or AwP)
de. mode:
-same here make 2 bombspots
-have more than 1 path to the bombspots (at least 64x64 size)
cs. mode:
- Make sure that you have more than 2 paths leading to the hostages.
- Have only 1 or 2 Hostage resq. pts.
-Have more than 2 hostages.
dm. mode:
-Make lots of spawn pts.
-Avoid making rooms with 1 entarge or add grenades on your map. (Camping on an Dm. map slows the game down and its frustaiting)
- Don't forget to add "Bandages" and "Ammo"
ctf. mode:
- Make an "no building" area near the flag.
- Avoid placing the Flag to close to the spawn pts. (it will be near impossible to score pts.)
-Make 3 or more paths leading to the Flag
dom. mode:
-Don't put domination pts. near the Spawn pts. (it will be a pain in the a** to domitate the pts. due enemy pressence)
-Put more than 2 domination pts.
-Put at least 1 domination pts. that req. 2 players + (don't forget this is a team oriented mode)
Zm. mode:
-Don't use the Option "Instant" on the Weapounds on the map (He's or Bandages etc.)
-Make sure that you don't make an Bunker like Building , Zombies mode its all about surrvival not camping.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

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Mumu hat geschrieben
-Make sure that you don't make an Bunker like Building , Zombies mode its all about surrvival not camping.

Well in my zombie maps i always put some building with a breakable wall. The player like that.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

Well that's why people hate to play as Zombies they usualy don't stand any chance againts 2 camping players equiuped with m249 except maybe using Guts Bombs.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

It sucks that most people play contruction mode, but dont understand how to play. From 20 players in a team 10 are standing in the base and shoot each others buildings down, the rest who attacks, doesnt even work a little bit in a team. For example I built a turret directly at the front, to defeat coming enmeies. It was fucking dangerous to upgrade it because it was about 2 screens away from the enemies spawn base. Upgrading alone takes much time, and if the building gets just a little damage, upgrade is interrupted. 3 players where beside me, but instead of helping me to upgrade my turret they just ran into the front, causing my enemies to shoot onto them(of course those boons died...) and let the bullets fly into my turret!

alt Re: What makes a good map?

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Mumu hat geschrieben
Well that's why people hate to play as Zombies they usualy don't stand any chance againts 2 camping players equiuped with m249 except maybe using Guts Bombs.

I create a lua script where zombie have this weapons: a machette, Molotov and Gut Bomb. The zombie are more fast and they have more helth and armor.
So the Zombie can kill more Survivors.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

Thanks for the help, guys.
This is going to be one helluva post. Beware, short-attention-span peoplez.
But I've been getting comments that my zombie maps are too hard to survive in. Then, the guys leave after they die once, or right after they join. The survivors had plenty chance to build and defend themselves, too. Maybe I'm wrong to hide the wrenches outside of the main 'base' that the survivors stay in, but they're certainly dying quickly. [EX: zm_highwayv2]
Then there are the Standard maps. The sad thing was that more people joined my server before I changed it to Standard from Zombie, which means one of two things: either my Standard [cs+de] maps really suck or Zombie maps are more popular.
But would it make more sense to change some of my Standard maps into Construction? I see people play that most of the time [as JuareZ mentioned], but I don't really think I can make one. Most I've seen are usually too simple or just a blank rectangle with a time limit to build before they can attack each other, which is tasteless in my opinion. I can see my largest map [de_monasteryv1] being turned into construction, but it is a massive map.
Btw, the maps I'm talking about in here are part of my map pack. You can find 'em in the Files section under "Horus' Map Pack."
Final thing: What kind of settings should I have on Standard? Fog-of-War and Friendly Fire? Money amount? xP

That's it... Thanks y'all, 'specially those who gave tips.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

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NTD hat geschrieben
but its still a good idea!

but i recommend way 5 and 3 they always work for me!

no thats not a good idea. I don't join servers with bots on it.

alt Re: What makes a good map?

Night Till Death
User Off Offline

Reaper hat geschrieben
NTD hat geschrieben
but its still a good idea!

but i recommend way 5 and 3 they always work for me!

no thats not a good idea. I don't join servers with bots on it.
maybe YOU dont but others do! if you dont like bots why do you even bother joining anyother server with bots then?

alt Re: What makes a good map?

User Off Offline

horus hat geschrieben
But I've been getting comments that my zombie maps are too hard to survive in. Then, the guys leave after they die once, or right after they join. The survivors had plenty chance to build and defend themselves, too. Maybe I'm wrong to hide the wrenches outside of the main 'base' that the survivors stay in, but they're certainly dying quickly.

You can make a base like region on the map but make sure that the Human Players will need to get out for Ammo Health etc. or make like -Door- that req. 2 or more players to be oppened.
Zombie Mode Options:
- FoW its esential.
- As for the staring money leave it to 800 I guess (My Zm maps don't have a buy zone so money its irelevant)
- Its not an good Idea to add super Weaponds or Armors
(especially Super Armor and Flametrower)
Also Note:
- An Black mask covering the map should be presesnt.
- Rain Slond be present.
- Multiple Spawn pts. for Zombies.

And No I don't agree with Zm+ Build mode and here is why:
- Infinite Health via Disspenser
- Infinite ammo and grenades.
- Wall III can be abused
- Turrets make camping way to easy.
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