CS2D General Fake NightHawk Fake NightHawk
3 replies Recently i've banned a hacker on storm server, and now he's being gay pretending to be me.
If you see him posting here with my name as a GUEST, it's not me.
He lives in the same country, and speaks the same language as well, so i hope that you guys don't get fooled.
I also logged his IP. jup we already know this guy.
He's an idiot, and was spamming and flamming around here a while ago.
But it seems as if he's got a static IP, and DC has IP banned him from US. I saw him yesterday. I logged his ip to make sure it wasnt you. And it was him. It was a static ip. I hate hackers. but if they do good hacks not bad, like weapons, i like em Yeah, there's a few imposters around -.-
The other day some noob was calling himself "|jUSTiN|".