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Englisch Colonel-Shemps Mod!

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alt geschlossen Colonel-Shemps Mod!


Im using the current english mod for this, as i know german, but not enough . Anyways, my mod is going to have ALOT of items, enemys, vehicles, blah. It's will be realistic in a way, as you can make a ton of stuff now. Im adding the massive mod into this, so it should be huge, but remember, that was builders mod. New items include...Bark cups (gary paulson showed me how to do this.), coconut hulls (fill em with water, use em for soups, etc...), ability to plant cotton, bamboo, blueblossom, etc..., new skills such as cooking. You can make a airplane if you get a ton on aluminum, etc...
My current version is going to be overhauled, as it sucks now. I will do updates, and im adding a list of whats in it currently... If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me about them, i might use them.

alt List of changes, items, etc...


New Plants, Rocks, Trees, etc...:
Sugar Cane-looks like bamboo
Aluminum Rocks-Looks like iron rock except lighter
Coal-from massive mod
Copper rocks-from massive mod
Thorn Bushes-Look like bushes except they hurt you
Salt Rocks-a white brown rock, mine to get salt.
all the stuff in the massive mod
Oil Well-Looks like water rock (empty), mine to get oil

New items:
Eggs-from massive mod, find them in nests
Apples-find them on a apple tree
Peaches-Find them on a peach tree
Sugar-Process sugar cane to get this
Salt-enhance the flavor of food!
All the stuff in the massive mod.
Aluminum-process it to get aluminum bars
Aluminum bars-Process even further to get aluminum rods
Aluminum rods-PROCESS EVEN MORE! to get aluminum bolts
Aluminum bolts-Used for the crossbow, or for arrow heads.
Sharp stones-Use a hammer and stone to get these, used for spears.
Oil-Refine it to get kerosine, or leave it for other stuff...
Kerosene-refine more to get gasolene.
Sap-Refine to get Syrup, or leave it for other stuff
Pulp-Use to make paper
Coconut hull-Fill it w/water, usse it for soups, other stuff.
Bark Cup-Use sap and bark, holds water, but if heated, it cannot be used again (like the coconut hull can.)
Clay-Fire it to make cups, bowls.

New Weapons, Tools, Etc..:
Iron Pickaxe-Heavier than the old one, but other than that, unchanged.
Gold Pickaxe-Heavy, strong, great fo mining.
Crystal Pickaxe-The best, but hardest to make pick. Like the iron one, except you need crystal.
Recurve Bow-Shoots farther than the bow, more power than longbow.
Warbow-Like the recurve except a little less range, ALOT of power.
Compound Bow-The best bow next to the crossbow. Make a longbow, except use iron it the combo.
All the weapons, tools in the massive mod.
Spears need sharpstones, and cord, vines to be made.
Throwing spears-replace the old spear.
Spear-Use it for melee instead. Very high damage
Hammer now needs cord, vines to make.

New foods:
Eggs-Cook em, or eat them raw.
Soups-You need a certain cooking level before you can start making soups. It must be at level 25. Use a bowl or cup for this.
Jam-Process grapes to get jam.
Lard-Get fat from animals, and make lard! Mmm...Sopallias...
Cocoa (sweet)-Combine sugar and cocoa to get this.
Cake- a real pain to make, but its worth it, as it lowers fatigue ALOT.

New Combos:
Airplane-If you make this OMG !
You need...
Aluminum bars, rods, bolts, aluminum, branchs, skins, cord, glass, and rubber.

New Buildings:
Bamboo Shelter-You can make this first. Like the shelter except with bamboo.
Fence2-The fence except with the x.
Bamboo Hut-Make this instead of the shelter, its better anyways. like the bamboo shelter, except more bamboo, and branchs.
Stump-Every time you fall a tree a stump is left. Get 1 make a seat.
Table-Needed for making a map, paper, and more.
Bamboo Shed-The round bamboo hut. Get it after you make the Bamboo Hut.
Fuel Torch-The torch with the grey head. Burns even in rain.
Metal Fence-Use iron, or aluminum to make this.
Big fence-A big fence
Small Treehouse-From stranded! I like it better, because it has a roof.
Crate-Store stuff in it. Like the storage except its a crate.
Barrel-Same as crate.

Most of this is being worked on right now, and still more to come!

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

BANNED Off Offline

sounds nice but
1. please create a home page
2. please register at this forum
3. what about screenshots?
4. why don't you give the first version of this mod?

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!


why not add forging ? making knives , swords , ... on an anvil .
oranges , citrons , ...
underground house
blowgun and darts

alt other ideas

User Off Offline

Good idea colonel! Can i help you to make this mod? I'm italian (and sure i want to translate this game in italian) but i have no problems with english. How do you make the new objects in 3d? What graphical program? I think this is the difficult part.

Other ideas for this mod. These are improvments then the new objects.

A new bar, the will, that rappresent the psicology ot the caracter. With high will the actions have good chance of success, with low the actions fails and a little quantity of materials used are lost. Some things as a warm fire raise the will other event or things lower this will.

More realism and sure a better sky texture. Now there are different seasons and different climates. The grain and other plants grow slower. Climates: sun, sun and clouds, clouds, rain, snow. A pack of better textures for all. Better moon and stars.

Caves. In the island there are caves in 3d, holes in the mountain that you can explore with a light source. In these caves there are many minerals resource (as iron, gold, ecc.). In the caves there are new animals such the bats. An there are insidious holes anf if you fall in you lost 75% ot the vital bar.

A new ability: the physical preparation. With high level you can walk faster, and swim with less consume of fatigue.
second new ability: meditation. With this you can train your mind and have bonus for the will bar.
The third new ability is costruction, The ability of build structures and things. You can build complex objects (like shotgun, airplane, rocket, ecc) only with an high level o this ability (you can with the first but it's very difficult and if you fail you lost some resources).

Many and many random island event: bad or good. One for week for example. I can prepare a table with 50 good and 50 bad events (i have a good experience with board rpg)

Now the caracther need an appropriate ratio of proteine-carboidrates-lipids...If not there are penalities on fatigue for each action he does (for example 25%-30% more). Prepare a table for each official food is simple.
The correct ratio is 70%carbo 15%prot and 15% lipids or better for the game 5-1-1

This idea is....fantastic! There are differnt natives and some beatiful women (who create her in 3d? )...You can seduce her and randomly if she is ok you can have sex and make children! Sure for the sex you need an high value of fatigue and then you are thirsty and hungry...

new common illness, like flu, infection, ecc.


-walnut tree (for eat lipids, see above)
-olive tree (for eat lipids, see above) You can eat raw or make the olive oil.
-legume plantation (for vegetarians that play the game, like me that donìt like the meat!).
-cheese (now with sheep you can make sheep milk and then cheese)
-new herbs and new potions. After the poison now a potion usable with arrows that paralyze the animals.
-new animals (for the caverns) but also for outdoor, dangerous too. Esemple: alligator.

I'm thinking...maybe new ideas soon...

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

User Off Offline

@grazianoc: some ideas are impossible in Stranded II.
Because of the Terrain-Engine there can't be real caves, just some objects to build them as stones or something.
You also can't add any new bars to the health meter.
some stuff like the illnesses are possible, but hard to implement. Same thing with the sex (the idea is... interesting, but useless) and the new skills (I assume you mean that with "ability")

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

User Off Offline

Now i make a board game then bizzl!
Maybe these impossible things can are in stranded 3. Yes, i say new skills.

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

BANNED Off Offline

you CAN add a new bar, but its very different and you'd have to change and adds some images.
the people from the german mod ASoS have added a bar, but the mod is not yet out, so can't look how to do it.

But Colonel_Shemps, why didn't you make a release and why didnt you write back til now?
-maybe this mod was a one-day fly (do you say so in english?)-

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!


1.My email sucks, so the activation page didn't come up on my email. It never does...
2.grazianoc...your weird.
4.I need to download a NEW stranded game, and make it ALL OVER AGAIN. Im having a problem with the buildings. It says that building (0) is having a error. But their is no building 0... Anyways, major overhaul.

Whats not going to be in this mod!
A new bar (very hard, very hard, too much work...)
New seasons, again too much work for me, and Im the only one currently making this.

New stuff
Caves-Im just starting this one. A cave is just 1 big model, or a bunch of models, that are put on a map to make a cave. I NEED a modeler to make the caves, as I can't. It should look like the cave thats already in stranded 2, but bigger. Using grazinocs idea about the caves, most caves will be like a spawn point for bats. I need someone to code it for me, I have too much to do.

Bats-I need someone to make a bat, and code it please.

New Foods-

Meat stew- Once your cooking gets to level 25, you can make soups! These are very filling but need more than 3 ingrediants to make. (spelled that wrong...)

Fish stew- Like the meat stew, except with fish!

Olives- Still working on them, I haven't even started them yet, but these will grow off a olive tree, and are used for drinks, and other stuff.

Salads-Yes we have salads! Salads are filling, and ALWAYS, lower fatigue. You must be at level 25 cooking in order to make these.

New Buildings

Metal Fence-Uses iron, and lots of it. A very secure fence
that is perfect for fencing a plantation!

Bamboo Shed-The round bamboo hut thing. Great for ports, and for putting things in.

House-VERY HARD TO MAKE. You need a ****load of stuff to make this.
First off you need boards, lots of boards.
logs, iron, glass, branchs, clay, more clay, more branchs, nails, more nails, MORE NAILS, MOUNTAINS OF NAILS.
Good god, you might die making this. If you DO make one, you can use it for sleep, cooking, etc...
I NEED someone to make the inside of the house. Just make a BIG room inside the house, it should have a bed, windows, a chimney, the door (if you can make it open when you press use, that would be sweet!), and etc...

New skills

Mining-Everytime you get mine, this gets higher. You can get minerals out of rocks faster, and you can build surface mines, mine carts, etc... THIS SKILL IS VERY HIGH LEVELED!


I need someone to make a alligator, and code it please. When its tame you can ride it all day, until the tameness wears off.

I also need someone to make a cow, and code it too.
I'll make it give you milk when you milk it.

Stranded guy-I need someone to code the player model to move around. It should be seperate from the player one.

Small treehouse-The treehouse from stranded! I need help on how to put the texture on it, or can someone convert it into a stranded 2 format model.

Shotgun-Yes you can make a shotgun. More info later.

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

User Off Offline

Colonel i want to help you, i can learn how scripting and how to create 3d objects (what program dou you use?).
Or at bad i can try your mod for errors (a betatester)

But i think is possibile to replace the textures with others with better resolution...Or not?

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

BANNED Off Offline

1. you can use Milkshape 3d or blender (blender is free, but harder to use)

2. for sure, you can replace the textures. just replace the old texture files (the images in /mods/YOURMOD/gfx/). For sure, the new textures have to be same size as the old ones, otherwise they're not in their place on the model.
You can also change the watertexture (/mods/YOURMOD/sys/gfx/water.jpg) but you should not use a bigger file, just because of the performance. I once tried to use a 512x512 image instead of the 128x128er one, and I couldn't play anymore.
But it won't be what you want. If you want better graphics, you'll have to make better 3d-Models than in the standard mod.
But THAT will take YEARS and a lot of knowledge and talent.

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!


Well for now im leaving this mod on hold until I fell like starting it again. Im going to get another stranded 2, because my main one sucks.

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!

User Off Offline

Haha, i like this, watching Guys who say: BIG mod, everything implented and such, then you see them stop after 5 minutes saying i cant script, Moder or make textures...

Guys! If you cant make models or even script a bit, you can forget a bout making a Modificcation! you may dream of it, but if you cant work right it will be very very very hard way to the mod.

And if you think you, as Leader recruit modellers and such, they wont like you after a while, because you are doing nothing, except talking how thins hae to be done, so thats the thing why modding is that hard, its not just talking about it, its DOING it!

remember that plz, go ask some people if they want to help you!

(PS: you cant mine with a golden pickaxe, its to SOFT, it will bent on the first hit against Stone.)

But ( ) Dont let you get down or angry because of me... life and modding is hard...

(and yeah, you know people were trying to make planes for the time they live on this Planet, do you think, you, as a guy who stranded on an island could make a Plane out of some aluminium Bars and some rope?)

(I cant stop criticise this, but if you were making a reality mod like this, with mining and such, why dont you change IronStones and such into Iron sources or sumthin, and instead of getting pure iron chunks, you could get Iron ore, this has to be molten in a blast furnace made out of clay, THEN youl get the pure iron first. Second, making aluminium is far more harder as making iron, youll have to heat it at 1500 degrees first, then youll have to do stuff with electrolysis and such, so not really the Island thing...)

alt Re: Colonel-Shemps Mod!


The second time iv'e seen a really good mod and there's no beta! P O S T I T. I don't care where, just P O S T I T ! ! !

Admin/Mod Kommentar

and where do you want to know from that this is was a "good" mod? Besides this is about 4 months dead, nobody cares about this by now. And for stop things like "P O S T I T ! ! !", are you 9 years old or what? *closed* /Flying Lizard
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