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Englisch CS2D is back boys

33 Antworten
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alt Re: CS2D is back boys

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user DC, when will you just add all these Q&As to the F.A.Q.?
These types of questions get asked every few weeks, I'd say that's more frequent than some of the entries on that page.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

Honestly what fascinates me is how people can't get it through their heads @user DC: is finished with the game. Be glad he supported it for even this long and didn't throw the towel in the moment its golden era was over, but kept updating it years later, sometimes even adding features requested by singular members of the community. Despite everything he said, literally one post later he is ignored and people still ask for major updates for a game with no future, but a very rich past. No amount of updates will save the game, and neither will this Twitter announcement. Gabe Newell Follower made a video about the game, which energised it for about a month, but it wore off. The game was greenlit on Steam, but after a few months that also wore off. This Twitter announcement will also inevitably wear off, and I feel much sooner than the other "revivals". As time goes on, you people should also move on and stop being stuck in the past. Cherish the memories you all have made playing CS2D, and let it go. All good things come to an end.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

user T-69 hat geschrieben
As time goes on, you people should also move on and stop being stuck in the past. Cherish the memories you all have made playing CS2D, and let it go. All good things come to an end.

Totally agree with this sentiment. And also whatever user GeoB99 mentioned.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys


Now, the problem is the game's inactivity and lack of updates. People need more content and more mods for the game - some great ones have been deleted and that's a real shame. But now comes the question - do we bring back past servers and their modifications, or do we move on to the future and expand the horizons? (or just kill the game as off, as some suggest). But one more problem arises - no one wants to do that. My suggestion? Give the source code if it hasn't already been distributed. If you're not gonna do the work, why not let someone experiment with it? One might still have motivation to make this if they've got the right tools - I've seen people go to further extents.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

Super User Off Offline

Well sometimes games just be dead after long time, without a good reason, it's like the shirts you've worn when you were 10 years younger. You just have grown out of it.
On the other hand there are still people playing CS2D and tbh i loved and still love this game, been alot of fun.
The thing that's important on here is that i never forgot about it, so well done @user DC: you did a great job on creating a game that's still on my mind just like the good old AOE2 times.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

And I think you can very well convince DC or SD to do small updates of effects and parameters for CS2D if you prepare blitmax code for them beforehand. That way you can add and modify "a lot" with small, coordinated changes. And even those changes, in turn, will bring back and attract new players.

The CS2D game engine is really long overdue for an update, and it makes sense in consultation with DC to create a CS2D game counterpart compatible with the old version on a different game engine.

From here
I learned how CS2D calculates blast damage - I think it would be nice to use a similar system for:
1. determining player visibility (instead of fog of war(based on tiles), in darkness from flashlight and night vision and visibility in smoke/gas/fire)
2. blinding detection in case a grenade flash exploded behind an obstacle (not a wall)
3. the definition of the visibility of the NPC and the objects (at the moment there is a possibility to stand at a certain angle to the wall to be invisible for them)

And I think you can offer a few more ideas using this system.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

user GeoB99 hat geschrieben
I am not quite that much active in the forums anymore, unlike in the past years, but one thing I might say is that sometimes I see people tend to complain about the decaying phase of CS2D and its player-base.

In my humble opinion I think all of this reaction is like being in denial, rewriting CS2D in a modern game engine or advertising it across platforms won't solve a thing, because the problem isn't due to this. It may help but this is a very short term effect.

I think the fact that many people have to accept is that CS2D is simply not that attractive to the current gaming demographics anymore as the gaming trend has changed quite a lot in the last decade. The "supply" here simply doesn't fit the "demand" of the people (with "supply" being CS2D in this context). The idea of a Counter-Strike game but in 2D was appealing in the 2010 and early era, but because the gaming trend and the people back then have made it possible that such idea was appealing.

In this era a lot of CS2D based communities were made, lots of players played lots of different servers and many people had a lot of fun being together. It was a moment where lots of young people, kids who lived with parents in basement and played CS2D after school ended. But this was temporary and it was clear the decline was bound to happen sooner or later, the effects have started to be felt by 2017 I presume. The community game-base was made up of mostly youngsters back in 2010 who at this present day are now grown up adults with a career, life goals and other things to focus on. Only a very few nostalgic players have still chosen to get into CS2D, if anything. But others have moved places.

So instead of mourning the old glory of CS2D is gone, be happy because it happened. We all should be thankful of user DC and his efforts brought up to the game, the long support and whatnot. Without him there would not have been communities or people forming bonds and connections around CS2D. Nothing is going to last forever. At this point I would rather keep track on the Stranded III project and on-going development blogs user DC posts.

Just my two cents.

Thank you DC, for a time I will never forget.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

i am very happy for this game to be here i like this game better than cs1.6 DC did great job doing it good job DC hope you do better games in life

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

Super User Off Offline

So what is "comeback"? What exactly happened? Some dude on tweeter remembered his childhood? hah, don't make me laugh, this is just silly

There is no any chance for comeback until Simon release cs2d2, that's all

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

Sometimes, it's better to let go of your favorite game and really, as the previous commentators noticed, to remember the memories that this game left you, the people with whom you played it.
I will visit this game once a year, as a tribute until it is finally closed.
2011-2014 years was really beautiful as i played this game. Thanks.

alt Re: CS2D is back boys

User Off Offline

Sad that DC removed the original title "CS2 D", it was a joke just like rockstar did to the gta series defective, I mean definitive edition .
Anyway glad to see people are still active on forum.
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