CS2D General CS2D BlackbarCS2D Blackbar
9 replies 1
Options Graphics Change the resolution to "640x480" Ok
Options Graphics Check "4:3 Ratio Gameplay" Ok
This is so annoying
A 16:9 aspect ration can't be displayed in a 4:3 aspect ratio (e.g. 640x480) without EITHER showing black bars OR showing less.
The vast majority of users has 16:9 screens which is why CS2D's standard has been changed to 16:9. So switching to 16:9 already was a fix. Switching back to an uncommon aspect ratio would be dumb.
So either play with a 16:9 resolution or play with another one and either accept bars or that you see less. There is no magic way around this.
Ugly solution though
I can only play 800x600 with blackbars (top and down) with 16:9 scaled to 4:3 .
Like Mami Tomoe said that will stretch everything horribly. It's not a good option.
I assume you would need to do this since CS2D has no aspect ratio settings:
1. Go in full screen with a 4:3 resolution.
2. Open your monitor panel (unless in laptop then IDK) by pressing the physical keys on your monitor.
3. Switch aspect ratio to 16:9 from most likely Auto.
Note that in such a weird solution moving will have different speed on either axis.
It's not recommended unless well you like 4:3 over anything else in this game and the lack of black bars scares you.
edited 1×, last 21.07.19 04:42:51 am