@ sheeL: Hello SheloHack. Missed you these times. Recovered now? creating a server for hacking is not illegal, idiot.
On topic.
[ Rainoth] hmm.. I will fix the grammar mistakes as soon I can, because, since the vacanies I did not played CS2D. and I wish someone help me to fix the little lags.
Congratzz, you're the best logo maker here, so for this great work you'll be the new moderator of . Next step : you'll be only rich guy of the Earth for your amazing logo and, maye, for your all work in design. You can remake cs2d as you want from ever! So, all door are opened, laser and super armor everywhere! Go, take'em and lead the Earth, you master.
Did you notice that all users which posted here are sarcastic? In the name of God, why did you do that crappy logo with paint? Now, your status here went down
n to the worst user ever.
Sorry, man, but that's the truth.