Phenixtri has written
Yea I think that in the future making the CS2D client and shared files in a similar manner to CS 1.6 and CS:S.
For example im talking about letting the player use and see their own skins on sv_pure 0 servers while on sv_pure 1 servers the player would be able to see and use the servers content.
The temporary DLed files from the server would not override or replace their existing skins.
All servers would remain sv_pure 0 thus the game will not be alter and people will still be able to use their custom or default content.
Only custom and or mod servers would have sv_pure set to 1. So for example HL2D servers could let players use their HL themed content if only on that server.
I'm sure this would require loads of coding work but I believe that in the long run this would greatly improve CS2Ds gameplay and would expand the player base as people would be able to easily enjoy new custom maps, skins, sounds, scripts, and so forth.
It would also open a door of near limitless options for CS2D modders