When i press a buton:
Then Locks the pressed buton, making that i cant press it again until unlocks pressing another buton...
Please help me
edited 1×, last 05.03.12 09:56:27 pm
pressed = {} for i = 1,32 do pressed[i] = false addhook("join","a") function a(id) pressed[id] = false end addhook("serveraction","b") function b(id,button) 	if button == 1 then 		if pressed[id] == false then 			--YOUR THING HERE 			pressed[id] = true 		end 	end end
addhook("serveraction","dresamenu0") function dresamenu0(id,act) if act==1 then menu(id,"TEST,tab1,tab2") end return 1 end pressed = {} for i = 1,32 do pressed[i] = false addhook("join","a") function a(id) pressed[id] = false end end addhook("menu","dresamenu1") function dresamenu1(id,title,buton) if title=="TEST" then if b == 1 then if pressed[id] == false then msg2(id,"©255000000It Works!") pressed[id] = true end end end end
addhook("serveraction","dresamenu0") function dresamenu0(id,act) 	if act==1 then 		menu(id,"TEST,tab1,tab2") 	end 	return 1 end pressed = {} for i = 1,32 do 	pressed[i] = false end addhook("join","a") function a(id) 	pressed[id] = false end addhook("menu","dresamenu1") function dresamenu1(id,title,buton) 	if title=="TEST" then 		if b == 1 then 			if pressed[id] == false then 				msg2(id,"©255000000It Works!") 				pressed[id] = true 			end 		end 	end end
function dresamenu0(id) 	menu(id,"TEST,tab1,tab2") end addhook("serveraction","dresamenu0") function dresamenu1(id,act) 	if act==1 then 		dresamenu0(id) 	end 	return 1 end pressed = {} for i = 1,32 do 	pressed[i] = false end addhook("join","a") function a(id) 	pressed[id] = false end addhook("menu","dresamenu1") function dresamenu2(id,title,b) 	if title=="TEST" then 		if b == 1 then 			if pressed[id] == false then 				msg2(id,"©255000000It Works!") 				pressed[id] = true 			else 				dresamenu0(id) 			end 		end 		if b == 2 then 			if pressed[id] == true then 				msg2(id,"©000255000Turn It Back On!") 				pressed[id] = false 			else 				dresamenu0(id) 			end 		end 	end end
addhook("serveraction","dresamenu0") function dresamenu0(id,act) if act==1 then if buton == 1 then menu(id,"Unlock Weapows with Levels,DEAGLE|Level one,TMP|Level two)
function Array(size,value) local array = {} for i = 1, size do array[i]=value end return array end pressed = Array(32,false) addhook("join","a") function a(id) pressed[id] = false end
function Array(size,value) --nasty function local array = {} for i = 1, size do array[i]=value end return array end menus = { 	weapon_menu = { 		title = "Weapons", 		buttons = { 			[1] = { 				locked = "(Deagle)|Lvl 1", 				unlocked = "Deagle", 				state = {}, 				dstate = false, 				func = function(id) 					parse("equip "..id.." 3") 					menus.weapon_menu.buttons[2].state = false --unlock second button 				end 			}, 			[2] = { 				locked = "(TMP)|Lvl 2", 				unlocked = "TMP", 				state = {}, 				dstate = true, 				func = function(id) 					parse("equip "..id.." 21") 				end 			} 		} 	} } for _,menu in pairs(menus) do 	for _,button in pairs(menu.buttons) do 		button.state=Array(32,button.dstate) 	end end function mmenu(id,menu) 	local m=menu.title.."," 	for k,b in pairs(menu.buttons) do 		if b.state then 			m=m..b.unlocked 		else 			m=m..b.locked 		end 		if k~=#menu.buttons then 			m=m.."," 		end 	end 	menu(id,m) end addhook("serveraction","openmenu") function openmenu(id,a) 	if a==3 then 		mmenu(id,menus.weapon_menu) --syntax 	end end
menus.weapon_menu.buttons[2].state[id] = true
menus.weapon_menu.buttons[2].state[id] = true