But I can't get the x and y position on say, I tried different ways, but there's something I may be missing.
How can I do that ?
function follow(id,txt)
if txt == "come" then
ai_goto(2, (myposX), (myposY), 1)
addhook("Say","Followme") function Followme(id,txt) if txt == "come" then x = player(id,"x") y = player(id,"y") for id = 1,32 do parse("setpos "..id.." "..x.." "..y) 	end end
addhook("say","_say") addhook("always","_always") parse("bot_add_t") parse("mp_autoteambalance 0") function _say(id,message,x,y) 	if id==1 then 		if player(1,"health")>0 then 			if message=="come" then 				vai_mode[2]=7 				vai_smode[2]=1 			end 		end 	end end function _always() --when the bot reaches you, it will stop following 	if vai_mode[2]==7 and vai_smode[2]==1 then 		if player(1,"tilex")==player(2,"tilex") and player(1,"tiley")==player(2,"tiley") then 			vai_mode[2]=0 			vai_smode[2]=0 		end 	end end
addhook("say","_say") addhook("always","_always") parse("bot_add_t") parse("mp_autoteambalance 0") function _say(id,message,x,y) 	if id==1 then 		if player(1,"health")>0 then 			if message=="come" then 				vai_mode[2]=7 				vai_smode[2]=1 			end 		end 	end end function _always() --when the bot reaches you, it will stop following 	if vai_mode[2]==7 and vai_smode[2]==1 then 		if player(1,"tilex")==player(2,"tilex") and player(1,"tiley")==player(2,"tiley") then 			vai_mode[2]=0 			vai_smode[2]=0 		end 	end end