I need help with a (simple) script.
How to make that:
When i say "!mgun" i get m249, but i lost 5000$.
Pls help.
addhook("say","items") function items(p,txt) 	if (txt=="!lm") then 		if player(p,"money)>=5000 then 			parse("equip "..p.." 87") 		end 	end end
if player(p,"money)=<5000 then parse("equip "..p.." 87") end
addhook("say","items") function items(p,txt) 	if (txt=="!buy item 87") then 	if player(p,"money")>=5000 then 		player(p,"money")-5000 		parse("equip "..p.." 87") 	else 		msg2(p,[[©255075075You don't have enough money to purchase this item.@C]]) 	end end
if (txt=="aa") then if(player(p,"money")>=5000) then parse ("equip "..p.." idk weap id ;)") parse ("setmoney "..p.." "..player(p,"money")-5000) end end