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English Your real life scarist story

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old Re: Your real life scarist story

Maniac from K
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Shanghaimi -Chet- Chen has written
DannyDeth has written
What's strange about my story is that the manic didn't actually shoot at me. I think he must of taken some strange drug that messed him up, that's why they lociked him in a mental asylum ( i think i spelt that wrong :? ). Maybe LSD or something. The dude was really scary. His face was mutilated, like scars and everything. Maybe he was satanistic and an LSD addict coz he was whacked as a slave from the 1800's!

You are Doing it Wrong

WTF with you?Why you criticize all around?Write such bullcrap in personal messages!You write one sentence and people will answer you in hundreds of replics!

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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I have scary story too.I have staying near roks and beat them by my hands!I take from roks 7 stones and 18 pebbles and...AGRRRRRR!BIG LIONS FACE APEARS IN ROK NEAR ME AND BIT ME!I start run away, but i was have bleeding.And then i have say:"F*CK!"and Quite Stranded II

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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i was alone at home and my dog outside was barking(night 23:00 PM) and i was making myself a sandwich (with mustard and onion xD) when sudennly something was moving there (banging). When i came there it stopped. Later i was going to my room and for 2 secs it started again. now i checked the pantry and there was nothing. then i got shited out and i was going to my room slowly (scared). later again that sound ... i didnt wanted to go there so i putted my earphones and listened to music . later doors have opened itself i said "Hello?" then i stepped closer to the door and my bro yelled "BOO!" and i beated shit out of him.

The End

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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BureX has written
i was alone at home and my dog outside was barking(night 23:00 PM) and i was making myself a sandwich (with mustard and onion xD) when sudennly something was moving there (banging). When i came there it stopped. Later i was going to my room and for 2 secs it started again. now i checked the pantry and there was nothing. then i got shited out and i was going to my room slowly (scared). later again that sound ... i didnt wanted to go there so i putted my earphones and listened to music . later doors have opened itself i said "Hello?" then i stepped closer to the door and my bro yelled "BOO!" and i beated shit out of him.

The End

Ya bro and sis sux. When the night my sister scaried me too. I kill him

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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Night Till Death has written
@MrShock since when is a *she* a *him* now?
also why are you not in jail if you killed Her/Him...

oh yeah i kill him and iam only say i kill him not i really kill him and going to jail

old Re: Your real life scarist story

User Off Offline

My story is not so scary but strange.
I was in a bus, going home from the lake. When bus stopped at T-type road (tries to get a place in tight traffic), i saw almost invisible figure in center of T-road. I don't know what was that, but my great-grandmother died few days ago before accident. Weird.

old ...

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I don't speak of it.

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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I live in a 2 story house and it looks like a compound to me and no there is no swimming pool for you to pee on.

Every time I go to the 2nd floor I keep seeing a head or a face on the window and if I look at it too long it will become something else like a tree that is nearby.
And when I go to my parents's room I see a black figure when I watch TV for 5 - 9 minutes and it will be really clear cause in every room there are about 3 - 11 mirrors.
And on the 2nd floor when ever I close the TV I keep seeing a body - like figure.
And when I was young my cousins and my brother are really frightened because they were at the swing that looked like a house and we have cameras all over the place that my grandfather installed when it was built and if we stare at the swing house using a camera we can see a person sitting there and a few minutes it will vanish.

The house was built in October 21 1991 and the cameras were installed some day in October.
It pretty scary when ever we use portable lamps the place will go dark!Scary as poop! Heres a cookie!cookie

old Re: Your real life scarist story


Well, I got plenty of scary stories... lol.

I'll tell you one of them. It's like this, it was night and I was with my friends not doing anything specific just hanging around. A commander cop car just mysticly drove down on a road just ahead of us some 25-35 meters away. The ones in the car took notice of us and stopped for about a minute or less while the other guy in the back seat was taking a photograph of us from within the car (without actually stepping outside the car, acting like a true stalker).

The policemen perhaps thought we was a gang or something like that, but I don't really know nor do I know why they took a photograph of us. It made me feel like they thought we was a dangerous group, it made me laugh inside as they drove off, but at the same time I was wondering why they took a photo of us. It's not like I was in a top secret facility or anything like that. Ah well, my conclusion is that cops are mysterious, all too mysterious. Perhaps not too scary, but I think so.
edited 1×, last 31.07.10 11:03:09 am

old ...............

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I had these series of dreams.... and I would get hurt in the dream and then wake up with a bruise or cut or whatever in the same spot that I had it in the dream ..... creepy eh?
edited 1×, last 03.08.10 06:04:34 pm

old Re: Your real life scarist story

Maniac from K
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The first game is scaried me is a Resident Evil 2.I was killed in first seconds of game because I was in panic and I not completely understand a control.A 3 zombies have ate me on my eyes!And also in this game was a moment in a weapon shop.I was walking at it,looking for weapons-I was sure what I`m in safe now(there was a man with shotgun) and then a groop of zombies have broken the glass wall and start eating that man!I was in horror!Actually, the most creepy zombies in RE2, I think.

old Re: Your real life scarist story

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shokeh has written
I had these series of dreams.... and I would get hurt in the dream and then wake up with a bruise or cut or whatever in the same spot that I had it in the dream ..... creepy eh?

this is creepier, everytime i sleep i talk to a ghost.

old Re: Your real life scarist story

A Mad Bro
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once i was in a small cave in a mountain and there was a spider. when i killed it, like 1000 spiders came out of gaps in the cave wall... I will never go back there, really.

old Re: Your real life scarist story

BANNED Off Offline

When I was around 12 years old, i went skiing with my parents. I went into this lift where you have to sit in a chair. When i was at the top of the mountain, i wanted to go out of the lift. Then, a rope in my jacket got stuck in the lift, so i hanged with a little rope beneath the lift. The lift went down again, and was around 50m above the ground, i needed to go back all the way to the ground to get carried out by a man.

This isn't really scary in like ghosts and zombies, but it was scary for me
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