There is a LOAD of mistakes here. Probably the whole code is a MISTAKE. Thats why i need help...
edited 1×, last 25.11.09 10:43:49 am
addhook("say","deagle") function deagle(id,txt) if (txt == "deagle") then if (player(id,"money")>=750) then parse('equip '..id..' 3') parse("setmoney "..id.." "..player(id,"money")-750); elseif(player(id,"money")<750) then parse('sv_msg2 ..id.. "You dont have enough money!"') end end end
addhook("startround","rstart") function rstart() 	for i = 1,32 do 		if (player(i,"exists")) then 			parse("strip "..i.." 0") 		end 	end end
function array(size,value) 	local asd = {} 	for i=1, size do 		asd[i] = value 	end 	return asd --LOL end function getslotweps(id,slot) 	local myweapons = playerweapons(id) 	local rt = {} 	for i,v in ipairs(myweapons) 		if itemtype(v,"slot") == slot then 			table.insert(rt,v) 		end 	end 	return rt end --Global table to save what weapons did each player have a_table = array( 	32, 	{ 		prim={}, 		sec={}, 		melee={}, --We won't use this 		nades={} --neither this 	} ) addhook("startround","omg") function omg() 	for i=1,32 do 		if(player(i,"exists")) then 			if(player(i,"team")>=1) then 				a_table[i].prim=getslotweps(i,1)) 				for a=1,#a_table[i].prim do 					parse("strip "..i.." "..a) 				end	 				a_table[i].sec=getslotweps(i,2)) 				for m=1,#a_table[i].sec do 					parse("strip "..i.." "..m) 				end 				fo 			end 		end 	end end
nades{} --neither this
function array(size,value) 	local asd = {} 	for i=1, size do 		asd[i] = value 	end 	return asd -->dammit end
parse("sethealth "..at..[b]""[/b]..player(at,"health")+1..)