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45 comments514 kb, 1,248 Downloads

old [EngiN33R] Zombie Survival Beta

Moderator Off Offline

You guys waited for long enough, I think. This mod is not finished, but for those of you who want to playtest it here and now - this is for you.

I've been inspired to make this mod by the fascinating Minecraft mod pack called The Mining Dead. Similarly to that mod pack, I didn't make this mod the shoot 'em up, wave after wave deathmatch kind of mod. Instead, I went with a post-apocalyptic survival scenario, where resources are scarce and the world is harsh.

I made this mod as lightweight as possible, having active multiplayer gaming in mind. It won't be heavy on the server and it won't lag the players. And yet, despite its light weight, it's got plenty of interesting features - at least, I hope so.

This is also a mod that is highly customizable - almost every aspect of it can be changed to configure it to your liking and to make your edition unique and different from others.

More information about features is available in the forum thread.

• I chose to upload the mod early, which means that it might be unpolished in some regards. There may be bugs, including major ones. Please understand this and don't panic if you do encounter one (or a few). Instead, report to me. Try to include how you encountered the bug and how I can reproduce it, if possible.
• There is currently no way to trade items between players. This is item #1 on my to-do list.
• Player towns are not finished. The mechanisms are there, but it's not very well tested and integrated yet.
• This description is subject to change. As the mod progresses, anything here might be changed or removed.

flame Important info:
• To see your mod rank, type "!kills" into the chat.
• To open the inventory, press F2.
• To open crafting, press F3.
• The valve near the water tank on the test map replenishes your thirst; use it to refill your thirst when at base.
• If you plan on running a server, you are encouraged to run it in USGN-only mode; all players that are not logged in will share all data.

Your suggestions are most welcome. To those of you who have already made suggestions and can't see them - there are three possibilities.
• The customization tools already allow you to implement your suggestion yourself,
• I delayed their implementation until more urgent matters are dealt with,
• I forgot.

In any case, remind me gently if you must - by that I mean don't angrily write me about how much of a bastard I am for not including your suggestion(s).

The script comes with a map I quickly drew up for testing - you might have seen it featured in videos about the mod. It's designed to showcase all the mod features, so to those of you who want to try it out for themselves - feel free to muck around on it. If you are a mapper who wants to create a map for the mod - I welcome your contribution. You can drop me a note and perhaps I'll include it into the official package, along with official support when it comes to NPCs and in-game objects.

flame Known issues >

Changelog >

Administration commands >

Towns >

Customization >

Documentation >

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence
edited 8×, last 29.10.13 08:55:49 am
Approved by Seekay

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514 kb, 1,248 Downloads


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old bug?

User Off Offline

after sleeping inventory won't open, but script is still good
I like it!

old Youtube Watch

User Off Offline

Hey i saw that Mod at youtube Beta coool like up*
1. "LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/zombies.lua:320: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected,got nil)"
2. "LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/items.lua:36: attempt to call a nil value"
3. "LUA ERROR: image - can't load image at 'gfx/customnpcs/chest.png'"
I like it!
edited 2×, last 20.09.13 05:21:57 pm


Reviewer Off Offline

I like it!


User Off Offline

Well, one could make the card a little more.
Map is small.
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

@user BATTLEKOT: Do you expect castles or modern cities when he clearly stated that
I went with a post-apocalyptic survival scenario, where resources are scarce and the world is harsh.


User Off Offline

Mod cool and map bad...
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

At the time of writing of this comment, a test server will be open for about 2 and a half hours.

You can join [EngiN33R] Zombie Survival (, or you can click the name to join the server directly. Everything in the description applies - expect bugs.

EDIT: The server has been closed. Thank you everyone for participating! It's been great fun and it was very productive.
edited 1×, last 19.09.13 05:57:22 pm


User Off Offline

is nise
I like it!


User Off Offline

This is awesome Zombie Survival Beta I have seen it ! really N!CE
I like it!


User Off Offline

let my like do the talking.
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: Perfect quality is an overestimation I'd say It's still full of bugs.

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs - I talked with most of you in Skype and it's been very productive. Also thanks to everyone for your feedback.

I've just released the first update, which fixes the major bugs, such as the console errors listed by user Infinite Rain (hopefully) and zombies spawning in walls. A changelog is available in the description and in the file itself. You are encouraged to download the latest version and look for even more bugs


Super User Off Offline

Good script (perfect quality) from good scripter!
I like it!


User Off Offline

holy shit.. im going to get this even its bugged


User Off Offline

this LUA is awesome dude
I like it!


User Off Offline

Script looks nice, but as user Infinite Rain stated, it has lots of bugs. It should be named "Zombie Survival alpha" or so. Anyway, I'll give a like, because I'm sure it will be gorgeous in the future.
I like it!


Deleted User

@user llT11ll LULZ:
Install it, go to server.lua, and then type this: "dofile('sys/lua/zombies/zombies.lua')"
I like it!


llT11ll LULZ
User Off Offline

sorry but how do i install this mod because i extracted ad it wont work
I like it!


Deleted User

I was looking forward to it for so long! Can't wait to see a server with this script on. (Yates)

I will download the script, and you might see some criticism from me!


A lot of bugs.
- Zombies can spawn in the walls
- You can walk inside of ovens
- Constant errors, here are some:
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/utils.lua:44: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/zombies.lua:286: attempt to get length of field 'weapons' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/utils.lua:4: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
LUA ERROR: [string "monsters.internal.monsters[409].roaming=tru..."]:1: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
LUA ERROR: sys/lua/zombies/items.lua:87: bad argument #1 to 'concat' (table expected, got
(Not sure when do they appear)

Some annoying things:
- Inventory items won't go up if there's one free slot (hope you understand, lol)
- Gets laggy if you are playing like 20 mins
- Fatigue is simply annoying
- You can't go zombie shooting even for 1 minute without hunger/thirst goind down to zero
- Fatigue regeration is very slow while sleeping
- You can open and use inventory while sleeping
- You can type /kill to simply receive your weapon back

I haven't played it a lot simply because it gets laggy like after 20 minutes, and then it's just impossible to be played.
But I've gave you some bugs, happy fixing!
I like it!
edited 2×, last 18.09.13 05:43:13 pm


User Off Offline

Great script keep it up.
I like it!
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