Show name by devilDevil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 13.04.12 11:55:40 am Today i upload my new script : Show name script This script so easy but i think it will help you when you are playing Have fun! Use it Edit it upload again without my permission Approved by Seekay (12.12.15 01:53 am) Download 584 b, 1,111 Downloads
Yates Reviewer Offline 13.04.12 05:34:11 pm That's actually quite nice. But not for fog. - I assume the name appears when the person is on screen?
What does it do?Christopher2643 User Offline 13.04.12 05:31:30 pm I'll wait for a comment to respond of what it does :3 I like it!
Enderwarrior - RUS User Offline 13.04.12 05:05:26 pm Dr4g0n: write this in sys/lua/server.lua: dofile("sys/lua/name.lua"), works fine! I like it!
Dr4g0n User Offline 13.04.12 05:03:20 pm I tested and it's ok ??? file 2. i try open file and ...( not work " corrupt file") help I like it!
Enderwarrior - RUS User Offline 13.04.12 04:20:29 pm This script works! And this script is awesome! Im using this Show Name script for my server! Awesome! I like it!
Devil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 13.04.12 04:01:25 pm @ Dr4g0n: what do you mean? I tested and it's ok
Dr4g0n User Offline 13.04.12 03:20:36 pm the pictures looks cute but does not work corrupt file I like it!
krabob User Offline 13.04.12 03:20:21 pm Players close to each other would make things confusing, but anyway good work. I like it!
Suprise BANNED Offline 13.04.12 02:45:39 pm Quote has writtenit will help you when you are playing Rly help me if admin use it. Anyways cool script. (: I like it!
Devil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 13.04.12 12:03:03 pm @ Misho: i made it edited 1×, last 13.04.12 01:11:54 pm