Show name by devilDevil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 13.04.12 11:55:40 am Today i upload my new script : Show name script This script so easy but i think it will help you when you are playing Have fun! Use it Edit it upload again without my permission Approved by Seekay (12.12.15 01:53 am) Download 584 b, 1,111 Downloads
DodominicccB User Offline 25.05.12 04:58:47 pm @ Devil-Thanh: oh wait wait wait brother wait... what if player hide in smoke.. his name seen dafuq :p p.s i love this xD, usin it on my server I like it!
Devil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 20.04.12 02:21:44 am @ tom282f3: yes! but i think you should put this script in other scripts that is small. This script can make lag edited 1×, last 14.05.12 07:34:50 am
tom282f3 User Offline 19.04.12 03:10:40 pm Cool!!! May I use it in my own bigger-one script? BTW DC changed rating system so there is no revenge rating now. Only difference between "good" and "bad" is "Like: [CHECKBOX] I like it!". I like it!
Obviously Exactly Myself User Offline 18.04.12 09:03:39 am @ Devil-Thanh: No way, man! He revenge rated my files and he kept insulting us! I like it!
Sparty Reviewer Offline 17.04.12 11:37:43 am @ DevGru: my friend wheres the like? Bitches(sorry) but shut up okay...soon we be temp ban like 5 days I like it!
DevGru User Offline 17.04.12 11:35:23 am @ Obviously Exactly Myself: Bad English speaker? Bitch please, he can't speak English so he just uses a translator. I like it!
Obviously Exactly Myself User Offline 17.04.12 10:58:37 am @ Devil-Thanh: I'm saying that Dr4g0n is a stupid kid. He is boastful, has a low intelligence, and a bad English speaker. I like it!
Devil-Thanh GAME BANNED Offline 17.04.12 07:51:09 am @ Obviously Exactly Myself: who did you say about?
thanksluugiadat1997 User Offline 14.04.12 02:50:12 pm that a good idea to view health player :)) I like it!
dizziness User Offline 13.04.12 09:14:00 pm Simple but needed. Thanks a lot dude (Although I will not use it) I like it!