
> > CS2D > Maps > mp_secret island

Englisch mp_secret island >

3 Kommentare7 kb, 334 Downloads

alt mp_secret island

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this is my big map

it is for team dm and requires lots of players
or it will be boring

ct's have to defend their shield generator until its charged

t's have to destroy the shield generator before its charged(5 mins)

this map contains:
1- a helicopter for t's(there is a switch which triggers an airstrike)

2-another helicopter which teleports you near the base

3-three bunkers which have heavy wepons

4-the whole map is complex


the t's have to run 50 tiles to reach the base,not my problem

the base contains no turrets so ct's have to defend it
with more care

all units are heavily equipped
Abgelehnt von GeoB99
Die Qualität der Datei ist leider zu niedrig! Bitte investiere mehr Zeit und lade nur Dinge hoch, die tatsächlich gut sind. Bitte lade nicht deine ersten "5 Minuten"-Versuche hoch. Entschuldigung, aber niemand möchte so etwas sehen und runterladen!

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Nice map god job man several
Ich mag es!


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lol,i thought ppl would hate it due to big size


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This is VERY big and cool map, thx
Ich mag es!
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